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Steps to Structure Mission Care in an Organization - Coggle Diagram
Steps to Structure Mission Care in an Organization
Champion: advocate for member care Gardner p.92
Not the same as HR director. Should work under the HR director. Gardner p.93 This is important to make clear especially when a member care team is forming in an organization for the first time.
Coordinator: overseeing Gardner p. 92
Facilitator: identifies needs and organizes activities and events Gardner p. 93
Provider: carries out member care activities Gardner p. 93
Job Descriptions, qualifications for Champion/Coordinator listed on page 92-95 in Gardner book. This is important to have before the person takes the position so that it is clear.
Facilitator/Provider also need job descriptions. List of skills, attitudes and qualities needed for these positions listed on p95-96 in Gardner book. Thought it was good and interesting that she suggests that the facilitator be a couple. I do feel that is important as many times the spouse does get left to the side whether that be a male or female if only one gender is present for facilitator.
Key role for the organization, Not personnel, pastoral care/counseling. It is a admin position that reports to the director. They raise awareness and develop and oversea program. They are not everything, just "facilitate" it. Dodds (v3) p. 135-137
10 ways MCF can serve agency. Dodds (v3) p137-138 Helping the HR dept. Talking with the HR dept. at MA didn't get this - like talking to a brick wall.
5 Aspects: Master Care, Mutual Care, Sender Care, Self Care, Agency Care Gardner 118
Different orgs use different titles, but where mission organizations place member care reflects the values of the organization. Faith De La Cour.
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Member care providers must know the culture well to provide culturally appropriate help. Faith De La
3 Disciplines: Profession Counseling, HR, Member Care - Counseling is highly specialized and not always focused on the agency. Dr.
Workers not always happy with truthful feedback and decisions. Faith De La
MC is the nerve system of the organization. Dodds (v3) p. 136
Why is Member Care Important?
This is good to look at to help organizations who do not have a member care program see why it is valuable to their organization. p. 116-117 gives the top 10 reasons (Gardner)
Need organizational backing. Gardner p117 This is important because if they are not behind this program then no one will see the importance.
Biblical foundation of care Gardner p117-118
Agency exists to help missionary, not visa versa" ODonnell p223
Concerns and Roadblocks Gardner p118-119 lists 7 that one should go over and be aware of before they begin to start a program. They need to be aware of the pushbacks and have answers ready to handle them or be able to adjust to fit the organization better.
Action Steps: Gardner lists 5 action steps on page 122 I appreciate that the first is to make sure that you have approval and support from the highest level.
Keep the future in mind as well.. Gardner lists on p. 122-124 six thoughts about this.
6 Differences between HR and Member Care: 1. Focus: HR on org and MC on person 2. Authority: HR has it and MC does not. 3. Activities: HR defined job description MC not so clear, depends on needs. 4. Relationship: HR in the office with policies, legal issues MC out with the individuals 5. Specificity: HR clear/specific MC flexible/responsive 6. Approach to policies and violations: HR authority to take action MC comes alongside member, cares, but does NOT diagnose or advise. Dr.
The Human Factor: Always remember that this will bring problems even in the most healthy organization. Dr.
9 organizational essentials O'Donnell p222-233 - these were really good. Consistency in policy and chain of command useful
Values: faith in God, deep respect for mankind, integrity, skills, expresses love to others, compassion for human weakness and is "Realistic appraisal of people and situations based on good discernment and courageous willingness to help" Dr. Gardner
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Good Support: debriefing, listening, spiritual formation/direction, coaches/mentors/counselors, TCK support/transitions, care plans, resiliency plans, help determine best next step, end of term docs (cerry-smith assessment, short-stress assessment with follow-up calls) Faith De La
Pathways to Care: people ask, field leaders refer, adaptability, crisis, conflict, trauma, spiritual dryness Faith De La Cour
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Home visits need to be scheduled before worker returns so home office can be prepared and ready for them. Needs to be structured time so it is useful and effective in helping the worker. Faith De La Cour
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5 Domains of Care: Dodds (v3) pp140-153 I could see myself doing many of the workshops suggested in the relational and emotional domains.
"Felt needs" are good starting place for MC, but need comprehensive overview. Appdx 1 on p. 161-162 in Dodds (v3) was really good questions to ask
Other facets to promote health p.153-159 Dodds (v3). This was good stuff!
4 Systems of an Org O'Donnell p249
HR System: HR Development & HR Management - HRD has 3 parts to it and they each have various responsibilities. p249 great model
Policies and Procedures Gardner p. 70-73.