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Godmother why is she dominant in a book about oppressed women. Is she…
why is she dominant in a book about oppressed women. Is she symbolic of Victoria?
Lenny adores Godmother,
trust and security in the Empress
In the coccoon of the Empire
The protective arm of the empire is around
her making her feel safe and secure
Lenny has a dream. Children are in a warehouse. Gmother is with her and
watches while soldiers dismember her
Victoria watches while the Indian die and does nothing p.31DONE
Lenny sees Gmother wink. Dignified bearing and
noble features precludes winking. She drops her guard with Lenny No one sees her as Lenny does.GM knows slavesister is asleep. She knows everything. Gmother is reasonable.
Victoria-Viceroy M willing to find a settlement. Mountbatten gets on well with Nehru. V aware of what is happening in India. p.42
The motherliness of mother? Lenny's mother -
yet this seems symbolic of the empire. see Heather p.51
Lenny hears the sirens she is back in the factory with the children. Gmother is there looking composed. Soldiers crucify them. V does nothing p.142
Lenny has op on her leg
Gmother sends her 'emissary' =
V. sending Mountbatten to India p17
QV's daughter named Helena
pg 250 GM being misled and guilty of her own deviousness. GM is niaive doesn't know all that is going on. Just when she's needed she's slipping away
V doesn't realise what's happening in India, Brits are needed to stop the trouble exploding.
slavesister-servile and does all the work for Gmother
She serves her tea
symbolic of the Indians working for the Empire p.91DONE
Gmother likened to a whale (stout like QV) - whales washed up on shore became property of the monarch - India? V/British talking with India's leaders trying to reach a settlement and keep the country running smoothly. Sleep on the offer but "don't cut off your nose to spite your face"p.151
p151 Slavesister says to GMother "we've all produced a baby ... We've given birth to a new nation Pakistan" India has been partitioned and a new country has been formed. Pg 152 - SS saying all is in place - under your nose??
GM doesn't allow SS to give blood
QV had children with Haemophilia
Pg 177 Para with Dr/SS/GM = Eng and Indians in debate
over the settlement for Ind. Getting rid of the British. Brits saying they are no longer there to be put upon. Pg 178
2 students visit GM escorted Sikh student + family to convoy to Amritsar Pg 178
2 students save V from would be assassin
GM sits on her chair - V's throne
The salvation army band plays
and they march past Gmother's house
The British soldiers marching passed queen's palace. p.27DONE
There are many references to Q V's statue/queen Victoria Lion initimidating presence. p98
Do I need to put them in the first chapter DONE
Ice Candy Man
pg 256-264 Ice Candy Man squats bowed before GM-
GM and ICM argue about Ayah. Is iCM a symbol for Jinnah? "Righteous indignation over compassion
pg 268 GM talcum powder - noble ghost white face"V
pg 285 the long and diverse reach of GM's tentacular arm - retribution and justice required to rehabilitate fallen women
pg 285-286 everything came to a head? Partition
Godmother white saried vulnerable and heroic
Technology in starting primus too complicated for Slavesister Godmother exposes herself to grave danger every time she starts the stove. Like Russian roulette any one of the pumps might blow up in her face. =Every time the British offer a settlement one of the Indian Parties reacts.
Independence - too much for the Indians to rule themselves. p.91 QV - assassination attack - gun fired twice did not go off- Russian roulette
Q V wore a white dress
when she was buried
Slave Sister - re Mountbatten's plan pg 121
GMother supporting the Englishman who has been murdered.
Indians asking how the Queen can support Mountbatten's plan to tear up the Punjab.
Slavesister argues with Godmother
She must have everything her own way
Godmother threatens her ... this passage seems to be about the empire squashing the rebels and V getting her own way. pg 124
Old Husband - Gladstone?
half crazy and ridiculous/ or Disraeli - passed
Royal Titles Act so Q could become Empress of India
KIM - Woman from Kulu
Noble Saharanpur HQ of administration
pg 221GM is influential educated upper class community figure -people seek her counsel - QV. She doesn't venture out very often - V went into seclusion.
pg 222/223 GM has established
a network of espionage ..
Imp all over the world V not aware of how far the network goes. Missionaries - source of British power - how they go into India
V has great power
Brit hiding something - guilty
Lenny believes the Brits won't let her down 224