Supervisor meeting notes - 2021-10-25

Kate, Mark and I present

Derek on fieldwork

Kate and Mark should be present for meeting next week

I am taking leave on thursday and friday this week for my birthday

Meeting with Stephen

Stone sampling

CBM results

Recapped results of meeting of previous week to Mark

Stephen leaving at the end of December

Amanda starts in early Januray

No interim period between Managers, so nothing to worry about there

Amanda unlikely to revoke any permissions that Stephen gave, so no need to worry there

Zosia said it would be extremely surprising if Stephen is still not actively involved in RB for a period after leaving

He may end up being more involved with the Roman Baths Foundation, which would be very useful if I applied to them for funding for any projects

Stephen may be able to find a pot of money for ex-situ sampling, so this may still be able to go ahead in addition to the in-situ work

If pot of money was found, then this could go ahead (or begin being organised) immediately

No response from HE yet, but Stephen will continue to nudge them and remind them that he is leaving soon

Hopefuly they will be keen to wrap this up before he goes

Based on process of liasion between facilities at Bath, Cliveden, Zosia and I, organising sampling may take more than 4 or even 6 weeks of communication once permission given/deadline reached

Deadline for HE response therefore set at the end of November to ensure timely completion and analysis

Even if HE reply late, in-situ sampling might be able to go ahead and add results into thesis post-viva with examiners' permissions

Too many go into in a short zoom meeting

Have said that I will annotate meeting presentation with notes and send round so that Mark and Derek can understand the jist of what I presented in the meeting

May also be able to meet with Mark over coffee next week and take him through the results then

Presentation on memory stick corrupted, so contact Zosia and hopefully get her to email over a fresh copy from BaNES drives

Until next meeting, continuing with CBM pXRF and have leave for birthday

Kate mentioned she still has lots of cooking apples

See if there are any vegan crumble recipes that could be made for Marina using these