Brandon manages to track one of the teens and hunts them down, but instead of killing them, he and Stephen meet the teens and recruit them. The 'leader', Abraham Murphy, meets with the Tripartite, the leaders of Stormwind, who intends to recruit him. After Abraham repeatedly mocks the entire setup, they hold his friends hostage and force him to comply.
Abraham is sent to kill a person suspected as a spy for Sector Seven, but due to bad luck, he hilariously bungles the mission, instead getting recruited in Sector Seven by shooting Brandon's kneecap by accident. Brandon convinces him to work undercover. Meanwhile, Luke Dunn and Warrick Burns tell Harley Victor stories of Abraham's notoriously bad luck. Abraham shares his theory that his luck will turn around on his 15th birthday.
Abraham meets up with Hamilton Wells and Elizabeth Ranch and is introduced to several people, again due to bad luck, he makes several enemies. The trio go on a mission to attack Stormwind's headquarters, and hitch a ride from police officers Patrick Walters and Alice Caincross. The three children make up increasingly bad excuses until the car somehow breaks down. The five of them part ways. It is revealed that Patrick is Stephen's brother that works for Stormwind and has to sabotage Alice Caincross from catching Stormwind.
Abraham tries to convey a message to Stormwind by connecting with them, but his phone runs out of battery. Meanwhile, Ranch and Wells wait for the signal, but Patrick and Alice catch the Sector Seven operative giving them the signal. Hamilton plants the bombs but Abraham manages to swap Hamilton's originals with the dummy bombs. The dummy bombs end up spraying confetti.
Sector Seven is enraged and concludes that there is a spy in their midst and initially suspects Abraham, but discards it considering his incompetence. Meanwhile, Brandon gives Abraham a box of lethal poison and tells him to mix it in some of the higher-ranking officials' food. Sector Seven and Stormwind clash again, and Patrick and Alice rush there. Patrick removes Alice's and his bullet catridges and leaves them on the city shore, leading to them having to double back. Meanwhile, Elizabeth finds the guns and takes them.
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