Extension - Weaknesses, Fragilities

Lack of good practice examples

The concept itself

Need to focus on the criteria and selection of partners

Need to foster the active participation of partners

Need for clarification

Articulation of this with the other axes

Invest in the development of projects, strategies, initiatives and dynamics in this sense and in their dissemination ... that serve as inspiration, reference, and motivate action in this direction

Invest in the structure and organization of the networks/partnerships

Extend the networks to an international level

...rather than quantity

Foster the relationship with international research centers

Improve Social Impact

Giving voice to partners, including participants in the studies (families, community, professionals, children)

Create spaces for dialogue and co-construction of knowledge

Need for reflection on this dimension

Strengthen ways to evaluate impact

Improve the relationship with the political sector - impact on educational policies, include policy makers

Need for evaluation

...invest in monitoring

...enhance, invest in this dimension

Need to improve communication and dissemination

Improve strategies, outreach

Open the scientific events organized by CIDTFF to partners, international institutions