About Us (drop down menu with these pages): Purpose: I want this to be a place where people can visit, and get a sense of who we are, and what this program is, and our goals for the future. It will be a place to showcase and show off some cool things we have done in the past, and our talented kids. Content: Right now, we have a list of shows, and the original posters designed for that show. What I'd like to see, is a small album of photos for each show, and maybe a video or two from each show, as well as the times we have been in the news. Resources: The biggest one to collect will be the videos and photos. We have great videos on FB, on parent's YouTube accts, etc. What I'd like to do is collect some of those, and put them in one place. Almost like our show resume.
Past Shows (highlights) This is discussed already, but I'd like to keep a highlight of sorts of all of our past shows. As people visit our page, I want them to see some good things we have done.
Who we are: Who runs this program, and what are we about? Information about the directors, and what they have done.
Recently, we have started competing. I think it would be cool to keep a record of our awards and nominations.