Technical Writing in the Teaching Profession: English/Writing
Writing in the Classroom
Writing Outside of the Classroom
Health and Safety Reports
Career Writing
Teacher Accreditation Review Reports: Supporting Documentation
Letter of Recommendation
Cover Letters
Creates structure and preparedness in the classroom and set goals for both the teacher and the students.
An in-depth, self-reflective statement that details a teacher's beliefs about teaching. It expresses their values, goals and beliefs about what they hope to achieve as a teacher. It also explains how a teacher plans to accomplish these goals and what methods will be used, and may contain examples. The statement also outlines the purpose of particular goals, methods of assessment of both the student and the teacher
An educational plan that details student learning objectives, teaching learning activities and strategies to check understanding. Lesson plans are detailed and structured in contextual units depending on the goal of the teacher for a particular week.
A professional letter that highlights a candidates qualifications, skills and experience/achievements. It also should state the position being applied for and at what school and district and express a desire for consideration for that position.
The Resume is one of the most important parts of a teacher's portfolio and it needs to be written in a way that immediately grabs the reader's attention. Employers read vast amounts of resumes, and as a future employee it needs to stand out.
The resume should include an introduction, a summary of skills and experience and should also incorporate a summary of teaching philosophy
Communication with Parents
Parent Notification Letters
Professional Emails
Letters to inform parents of events in the classroom, issues that need addressing or test results, options for support with testing and intervention options. These letters may also be used to a way for a teacher to introduce themselves if they are new to a school.
Clear, instructional goals about what a student should be able to accomplish following a particular unit of study.
Teaching Philosophy
When a teacher is obtaining accreditation, they may be required to supply evidence that their lesson plans and teaching methods meet the criteria accreditation.
Evidence of the success of your lesson plans will need to be provided through annotations which include standard descriptors that indicate a teacher's knowledge of student's physical, social and intellectual development
The plan must meet national, state and local requirements
The purpose of the Student Academic report is to provide parents, teachers and students with an evaluation of progress toward meeting specific goals and content standards. Reflect what the student knows, understands and is able to do. May also contain an evaluation of a student's work habits, participation and behavior.
This document often requires collaboration with other teachers as individual subjects require different evaluations by individual teachers.
A portfolio will contain several pieces of technical writing; resume, cover letter, letters of recommendation and teaching philosophy and may also include a prepared lesson plan for the position that is being applied for.
Letters may specifically address issues of attendance if a student is not meeting compulsory attendance laws according to state law.
A formally drafted letter that acts as a reference for another person. It contains a statement of recommendation, how you know the person professionally and why you think they would be a good candidate for the position. It should also consist of a personal experience with the candidate and list their skills.
A teacher may also be tasked with writing an annotation for another teacher that demonstrates their skills, similar to a letter of recommendation, but more detailed to a specific aspect of teaching skill.
A detailed education plan for students with special needs. The plan is individualized to each child and sets out educational goals, effective teaching strategies and how to achieve these goals. The IEP also contains evaluations on whether the goals are being achieved and how the child is progressing. It also indicates the types of support services the child may need.
The IEP involves a "Team" of individuals that contribute to the report: Special Education Teacher, Regular Education Teacher, Parents, Administrators, School Representatives, Evaluators, Medical Professionals, and the student (in appropriate situations).
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Student Academic Progress Reports
Learning Objectives
Lesson Plans
Individualized Education Program IEP
Attendance Reports
A report that tracks student attendance in accordance with state truancy laws. Must be accurate to ensure
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Professional Emails serve a number of purposes and require careful thought on audience. The emails be casual communication with parents, professional emails to administration or school district officials, professional emails with accreditation agencies, or agencies concerning aspects of the IEP. Emails could also be sent requesting information on a particular subject to other teachers or professional development programs. This type of communication is so prevalent in today's society and teachers need to be highly skilled on how to use this technology efficiently and effectively.
There are several purposes for a Health and Safety report. One main purpose is to ensure that students are safe and healthy. For example, teachers may be required to write a report if they notice signs of abuse or neglect in a student. These reports will then be shared with proper authorities and health and human service departments.
Lesson plans also include visual rhetoric depending on topic. For a wring teacher this may include pictures of books, sentence diagramming examples, pictures that depict a particular genre of writing, charts on mind mapping or brainstorming writing ideas, diagrams of various story structures, etc...
Usability of a lesson plan is important, not only for the teacher, but for substitute teachers and staff to be able to step in if the teacher is absent and teach a lesson by using the document without assistance from the writer of the lesson plan.
Several audiences for this report, including but not limited to, are the teacher, school and district administration, social services and judges in truancy cases.
Parent Notification letter are a vital part of connecting with parents and students, but also act as a document of record if issues arise with a student and parents regarding any of the topics involved in the letters.
These objectives connect to the lesson plan and precede each instructional unit.
For more information on the laws in Texas regarding the safety of children in schools see: Texas Education Code: Chapter 37
Other health and safety issues to consider: Covid 19, human trafficking, pregnancy and various health programs.
Attendance reports are important because it is a way to keep track of absenteeism and correct problems with students missing school before it is too late.