As is well known, education is one of the socioeconomic problems in Malaysia because from pre-independence until the country has become independent, the education system still has some irrelevant issues. Due to the rapid economic growth in Malaysia, the sectors involved have a high demand for skilled and knowledge-based labor. So, the education sector needs to play an important role in equipping competent workers with knowledge and skills to overcome manpower shortage. Therefore, the Malaysian government needs to allocate funds for the education system in Malaysia so that teaching and learning sessions become quality and competitive. As can be found, under the 2020 Budget, the bulk of the budget is allocated for Education, with an increase of more than RM4 billion than in 2019. However, the bulk of this allocation is aimed only at school maintenance and repair. Naturally, facilities in schools : need to be improved. However, it is interesting to note that the studies conducted show that the school environment does not have a great importance in one’s life chances. This also indicates that the quality of a particular school does not significantly affect a student’s academic performance. On the other hand, what influences performance is the materials and resources available in the school