

These conditions are, temperature above 27 degrees Celsius, humidity below 22 percent, and the cigarette needs to land in a loose fuel bed.

It also needs to be on a specific angle.

There has to be very specific conditions for a cigarette to start a fire.


  • Lighting is considered to be the sorce in fires of QLD and NSW

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  • Lightening is the most common source is most areas


Railway cause

  • Most campsites have moved to get away from campfires
  • Campsites have made fire rings to hold embers
  • If a campfire isn't extinguished right it can be a big fire hazard

Brake failure in trains can throw out a wall of sparks and can hit dry vegetables around the track which creates fuel and starts a fire.

Trains are surprisingly common at starting fires.

Burning carbon embers thrown from train engine exhausts can also start bushfires.

  • Charges make up about 10c per lightening strike




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