Summative assessments are used to assess how much a student has learned at the end of a unit. These assessments usually have a bigger impact on the students grade.
Performance assessments require students to perform a specific task rather than a written assessment.
Diagnostic assessments are used as pre-assessments in order to determine what students already know and to identify their misconceptions prior to the lesson. This can help teachers when planning instruction and give them an idea of what they need to focus on.
formative assessments are used in the classroom to assess student understanding and get feedback in order to adjust or modify instruction. These assessments do not count for much of a grade.
Interim/benchmark assessments are used in the classroom to see where students are at and make sure they are on track with their learning in order to be successful in the future.
H. O. T. Questions
Exit tickets: Students can complete these right before the end of class and this allows the teacher to see how much they learned
STAAR: Given to the students near the end of the year and tracks how much they have learned and identifies if they are on grade-level.
MAP: A test taken on the computer by students in order to assess their reading and math levels.
District assessment: Given to the students at the end of a unit and used to identify if they have understanding of all the TEKS that were taught.
Lab report: Written report about what data the students gathered during their lab.
Sight word list: Used to assess students reading levels.
KWL chart: Students state what they know, what they want to know, and what they learned. This allows the teacher to see what the students know before giving a lesson.
Portfolio: Can include student work from a given unit or project and show what they learned.
Debate: Allows the students to show what they have learned by debating a certain subject or topic.
Quick write: Have the students write down everything they know about the lesson we are going over in class and see if they seem to be understand what is going on.
Guiding Questions
Closing questions
Opening Questions
What role does your brain play a role in the nervous system?
Which body system allows you to stay healthy and help prevent from getting sick?
What is a system?
What are some examples of systems that we see everyday?
What would happen if one of our body systems stopped working?
In your opinion, which body system do you think is the most important and why?
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