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Blue Whales Trinity Grammar Points, Blue Whales Trinity Grammar Points -…
Blue Whales Trinity Grammar Points
Blue Whales Trinity Grammar Points
They can live in every ocean
Longivity and causes of death
Modals: They can live up to 80 and 90 years old
First Conditional: If we keep throwing rubbish into the ocean, blue whales will die
Infinitive of purpose: Fishermen kill blue whales to sell their meat and oil
Blue whales are one of the most lasting living animals because they can live up to 80 and 90 years old, kind of like us.
But since no one lives in peace, blue whales also have their predators and disadvantages. Like fishermen, they kill blue whales for their meat and oil and orcas and sharks, who are also one of their biggest predators.
But the main reason for blue whales death is pollution because if we keep throwing trash into the ocean, blue whales will die.
Behaiviour while migrating
Calfs can gain up to 200 pounds per day when feeding on the high fat milk of their mothers.
Blue whales can start to mate when they are 5 years old
Infinitive of Purpose:
In winter blue whales move toward the Equator to breed.
they spend the summer in polar waters to feed on krill
Past Continuous: Blue whales were migrating, when fishermen came.
Zero conditional: If blue whales go to the Equator, they breed
There are two periods of migration in a blue whales life. In winter blue whales move to the Equator to breed and in summer they spend time in polar waters feeding on krill. So if you see a blue whale in the Equator, they will probably be getting ready to breed.
Blue whale new borns are caled calfs. Calfs can gain up to 200 pounds per day while feeding on their mother's milk and they can start to mate at 5 years old.
Modals: The blue whale could evolve eight times until today
Zero conditional: If you go to a whale museum, you see how different they looked from now
Past Continuous: Blue whales were living on the land when 50 million years ago a specie called Pakicetus started having aquatic adaptations
Infinitive of Purpose: Blue whales evolved to have a better life
Past Continuous for Future Use: Do you think blue whales are going to evolve even more?
Fun fact: Blue whales were living on the land when 50 million years ago a species called Pakicetus started having aquatic adaptations.
Before evolving into the specie they are today, blue whales were way different. If you go to a whale museum, you see how different they looked from now. It's impressive because the blue whale could evolve eight times until today and have evolved to have a better life, since, on land, predators caused them way more trouble.
Have you ever wondered if blue whales are going to evolve even more?
Past Continuous: I was sailing, on a trip when I heard a blue whale sing
Zero conditional: If you hear strange low pitched sounds on your trip, blue whales are near
Modals: Whistles and pulsed calls can be used in pods to identify whales within the pod and strangers
Blue whales communicate by doing low-frequency sounds that can be heard over long distances. Three main types of sounds made by blue whales are clicks, whistles, and pulsed calls.
Whistles and pulsed calls can be used in pods to identify wales within the pod and strangers. When blue whales make clicks the sound waves bounce off of an object and return to the whale allowing it to identify predators and friendly creatures.
Once, I was sailing on a ship, when I heard a blue whale singing. Whales also use their tails and fins to make loud slapping noises on the surface of the water.
Infinitive of purpose: Whales also use their tails and fins to make loud slapping noises on the surface of the water.
Why I chose this topic
Present Continuous for Future use: I think that in the future we are going to help blue whales.
Infinitive of purpose: I chose the topic blue whales to raise awareness on animal extinction.
Past Continuous: In the past we didn't care about killing animals.
Modals: We must figure out a way to save animals.
I chose the topic blue whales to raise awearness on animal extinction because we must figure out a way to save animals since in the past we didn't care about killing them. So I think that in the future we are going to help any animal including blue whales.
What do you think about animal extinction?