Design of the investigation
Data collection
Go to the People
Various Accesses
Scenario Selection
The notes collected at this stage will later help the observer to understand how he is seen by people in the organization.
Access to Private Stages
Detailed field notes should be kept during the process of obtaining entry into a scenario
for research.
The investigator
The researcher must negotiate access, gradually gain confidence and slowly collect data that only sometimes suits their interests.
Researchers should refrain from studying scenarios in which they have direct personal or professional participation.
It is one in which the observer obtains easy access, establishes a good immediate relationship with the informants and collects data directly related to investigative interests
Access to Organizations
Examine the way the world is experienced
The reality that matters is what people perceive as important.
He wants to understand social phenomena from the actor's own perspective.
Seeks understanding through qualitative methods such as participant observation, in-depth interview and others, which generate descriptive data.
Participating observers generally gain access to organizations by requesting permission from those responsible
La tarea que debe realizar el observador participante para lograr acceso a escenarios (casas) y situaciones privadas (algunas actividades tienen lugar en todas una grama de escenarios) es análoga a la del entrevistador para ubicar informantes.
Access to Public and Quasi-Public Scenarios
Many studies are carried out in public settings (parks, government buildings, airports, railway stations, etc.) and semi-public (bars, restaurants, pool halls, theater, businesses, etc.).