Igbo culture through language

Titles and Words of Address

Proverbs show what is valued, what counts as wisdom, knowledge of everyday lives, relationships, who is worthy

Vocabulary display the richness and diversity of their culture.

Stories hold different meanings

What language conveys in TFA

Standards that define knowledge and everyday survival

Carries of culture from one generation to another

Impact of colonialization on life and therefore identity

"Proverbs are the palm oil with which words are eaten- their importance"

"When the moon is shining the cripple becomes hungry for a walk." - For the people of Umuofia, the moon was very important. The influence and effect of the moon on the people in the tribe was so strong that if the moon shone on them, even a cripple could walk. This was an extreme way of saying that the moon gave the tribe the power to do anything. It reflects their belief in nature.

"If a child washes his hands he could eat with kings." - In Umuofia, if you are able to be more than your ancestors, you can become anyone you wish, well known and wealthy. Okonkwo could not be respected, due to his father’s low status, until he became the notorious warrior that he was. Shows that a child or person if only judged on the basis of their character, not their family's

"A man who pays respect to the great paves the way for his own greatness."
If you respect greatness, you will become great yourself. Inn Umuofia, successful men respect greatness.

"Those whose palm-kernels were cracked for them by a benevolent spirit should not forget to be humble." - people who are blessed with luck by the gods, should be humble, and not criticize other people. They should not think they are better solely because they are luckier.

"Looking at the king's mouth, one would think he never sucked at his mother breasts" - Although Okonkwo was once a little baby, it seems as if he could never have been so vulnerable, because he is now strong and mature. It scares him to think that he could have ever been as vulnerable as he was when he was younger

"A child cannot pay for his mother’s milk." - In an African Perspective, parents are highly respected. So the quote a child cannot pay for his mothers milk means that a child cannot pay back their mother/parents for the work they put into you.

"Living fire begets cold, impotent ash."

"Never kill a man who says nothing." - If somebody never says anything to you that offends you, then you never should do wrong to them. Only if they do something wrong that offends you should you take action against them.

"When mother-cow is chewing grass its young ones watch its mouth." Children copy their parents and learn everything they do from them. It is important for parents to set a good example, or else their children will not live up to their expectations.

When a man says yes his chi says yes also." A man's spirit, or chi, will guide him and help him tackle any task that is at hand once he puts his mind to it.

In the Igbo community, story-telling is a tradition that has an important role to play. Mother's use story-telling to educate and entertain the children and embed the Igbo values and world view.

The Snake Lizard Fable in Chapter 9 involves the characters Ekwefi and Enzima. The story of the snake-lizard is humorous. As Okonkwo's wife and daughter are cooking, they recall the tale of the snake-lizard. The snake-lizard brings his mother seven baskets of vegetables. Only three baskets of vegetables remain after they were cooked as they reduce in size. The snake-lizard doesn't know this, so he kills his mother. When he himself cooks the baskets of vegetables, he realises that it was not his mother's fault.

The story highlights the gender roles accepted by the Igbo community. For instance, it is the mother who is expected to cook food and know about vegetables and the snake-lizard can be ignorant about "feminine" matters, such as cooking, which is clearly the responsibility of the women. This ignorance is what kills his mother, and shows Enzima that she has to know all there is about cooking, taking care of her children and husband as a women in Umuofia. The fable warns her about the consequences of being ignorant.

This story in particular is used to educate Enzima about vegetables and how they shrink after cooking.

Titles are earned over a long period of time, appointed on the basis of your success- Depict Social status

It is a symbol of honour and respect, shows the people that you are worthy, demands respect and gives you authority

Chi -The concept of chi is that it is the basic component of all things that exists. Chi provides energy or power similar to a fresh breath of air which is considered as life in all living things. It is the main reason of existence of human life and a proponent that dictates the quality of health of the human body.

Chalk represents peace. The Umuofians use chalk to signify personal honors and status by marking the floor and the toe or face, according to the level of honorific title they have taken. For example, Okoye marks his toe to indicate his first title.

ekwe - a drum, udu - a clay pot, ogene - a gong, used seamlessly so that the reader understands their meaning without having to search it up

egwugwu - leaders of the clan who wear masks during certain rituals and speak on behalf of the spirits; the term can be either singular or plural.

Legends and traditions - the fight with a spirit of the wild by the founder of their village

Indicators of wealth- yams and cowries, Marriage customs - more than one wife for a man

reference points by comparison occurs (especially Okonkwo). These titles are not conferred by higher authorities, but they are acquired by the individual who can afford to pay for them. As a man accumulates wealth, he may gain additional recognition by "taking a title." .

Idemili title - This title, named after the river god Idemili, is the third-level title of honor in Umuofia.

drums are used to inform the tribe of an important message

Agbala - a women, also means a man with no titles

Fear of titles was embedded into Okonkwo, he wanted to be the complete opposite of his father

Nwoye left his father and family

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