Concept and Structure of Organizations
Parts of an Organization
Coordination Mechanisms
The Organization as a System of Flows
An organization is defined from the creation of a structure, which determines the necessary hierarchies and grouping of activities, in order to simplify them and their functions within the social group.
Essentially, the organization was born out of the human need to cooperate. Men have been forced to cooperate to obtain their personal ends, by reason of their physical, biological, psychological and social limitations.
In most cases, this cooperation can be more productive or less costly if an organizational structure is in place.
Man is an eminently social being, hence he has always met with his peers in order to form groups, communities and societies and thereby be able to satisfy their needs. Societies transform and develop, constituting social life and creating various forms of socio-economic organization.
Primitive community: born with the appearance of man on earth and its development forms different forms of social organization:
The horde: it is the simplest form of society, they are nomads, fatherhood is not distinguished, they are a very small group.
The clan: they are exogamous, they choose their partner.
The tribe: they comprise a large number of villages and is characterized by the possession of a specific territory, a defined dialect, a homogeneous culture and a defined political organization.
The family: it has always been the basis of society, throughout history there have been various forms of family organization such as the matriarchy, the PunalĂșa family, the union family, the patriarchy and the family.
Slavery: it is a system of exploitation of man. The most predominant cultures are: Egyptian, Mesopotamian, Hindu, Chinese, Phoenician, Greek, Roman and Hebrew. Its main characteristic is the predominance of individual property, agriculture is developed, there is a clearly structured society in social classes.
Feudalism: regime of the Middle Ages, where large areas of land are developed, there is a production of self-consumption, social classes are stratified in a pyramidal way, there is a deep domination of the church.
Capitalism: has its origin in a precapitalist mercantile period, its importance is given in the exchange of merchandise and the accumulation of wealth. Work is free, the exchange of merchandise is facilitated, free competition is advocated, an economic and technological dependence develops between countries.
Socialism: it is a form of organization that is characterized, because the means of production are collective property and its economy is centrally planned in an important way to social security.
It is a set of positions whose rules and norms of behavior must be subject to all its members and thus, make use of this means that allows a company to achieve its specific objectives.
It is a means used by any organization to achieve its objectives effectively.
One or more divisions of the Organization.
Organization Classification based on Objectives (Mayntz)
- TYPE 1: Coexistence of its Members.
- Democratic
- Volunteer
- Little structured.
- TYPE 2: They act in a certain way on a group of people:
- Not voluntary or forced
- 2 subtypes of members
- TYPE 3: The achievement of certain Results:
- Objective Value in itself.
- The Objective can contribute.
- They get benefits.
Determination of Authority Systems
- Hierarchical Levels
- Decision-Making Processes
- Assignments of Attributions
- Scope of Responsibilities.
Fundamental aspects of the Structure:
- Number of Hierarchical Levels
- Norms or Rules to limit the Tasks.
- Centralization.
Structure Dimensions:
- Complexity
- Formalization
- Centralization
- The Authority
- Coordination between Departments
- Planning
- Organization
- Procedures
- Lateral Communications
- The meetings
- Advisory functions
- Delegation
- Decentralization
- Function's manual
- Organization chart
Core of Operations: Composed of the members of the Organizations.
Strategic Apex: Senior Level Executives.
Middle Line: Executives provided with Formal Authority.
Technostructure: Analysts who schedule the work of the machines and the members of the company.
- Work Studies Analysts.
- Planning and Control Analysts.
- Personnel Analyst.
Support Staff: Specialized units that provide support to the company outside the productive flow.
- Give Services to the different Hierarchical Levels.
- They coordinate the same as the Technostructure.
- Classical Theories
- Theories of Human Relations
- Systems Theories
They help to relate all the people who work in the company to achieve the objectives in the most effective way.
- Mutual Adaptation
- Normalization of Work Processes.
- Normalize.
- Normalization of Results.
Normalization of Skills and Knowledge: Complex work, when processes or results cannot be normalized.
- Upward Flow: The feedback information.
- Downward Flow: That corresponds to the orders and work instructions.
- Circular Flows: This occurs at each level of Hierarchy.
- Operational Workflow,
- Control Flow and Anomaly Results,
- Staff Information Flow.