The family: it has always been the basis of society, throughout history there have been various forms of family organization such as the matriarchy, the PunalĂșa family, the union family, the patriarchy and the family.
Slavery: it is a system of exploitation of man. The most predominant cultures are: Egyptian, Mesopotamian, Hindu, Chinese, Phoenician, Greek, Roman and Hebrew. Its main characteristic is the predominance of individual property, agriculture is developed, there is a clearly structured society in social classes.
Feudalism: regime of the Middle Ages, where large areas of land are developed, there is a production of self-consumption, social classes are stratified in a pyramidal way, there is a deep domination of the church.
Capitalism: has its origin in a precapitalist mercantile period, its importance is given in the exchange of merchandise and the accumulation of wealth. Work is free, the exchange of merchandise is facilitated, free competition is advocated, an economic and technological dependence develops between countries.
Socialism: it is a form of organization that is characterized, because the means of production are collective property and its economy is centrally planned in an important way to social security.