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Anxiety and palpitations etc. Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Coggle Diagram
Anxiety and palpitations etc. Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Anxiety Differential Diagnosis
Acute stress (e.g. life events, medical procedures)
Anxiety due to medical conditions/medications/drugs
Anxiety disorders
Other psychiatric disorders (depression, bipolar disorder, attention deficit disorder)
Definition, Etiology and Risk Factors for Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Definition : Generalized anxiety disorder is the type of anxiety disorder that is most often found and usually those who experience generalized anxiety disorder have excessive worry or anxiety about everything that has happened, both in the past, present, and future.
Family history of anxiety disorders
Recent or prolonged exposure to stressful situations, including personal or family illness
Excessive use of caffeine or tobacco, which can exacerbate existing anxiety
History of psychological trauma, such as childhood abuse
Environmental factors, such as violence against children
Substance abuse
Risk factors
Genetic predisposition
Brain chemistry
Family background
Social influence
Lifestyle factors
Criteria for Diagnosis of PPDGJ Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Penderita harus menunjukkan kecemasan sebagai gejala primer yang berlangsung hampir setiap hari untuk beberapa minggu sampai beberapa bulan, yang tidak terbatas atau hanya menonjolpada keadaan situasi khusus tertentu saja (sifatnya “free floating” atau “mengambang”.
Gejala-gejala tersebut biasanya mencakup unsur-unsur berikut :
Kecemasan (khawatir akan nasib buruk, merasa seperti di ujung tanduk, sulit konsentrasi, dsb)
Ketegangan motoric (gelisah, sakit kepala, gemetaran, tidak dapat santai); dan
Overaktivitas otonomik (kepala terasa ringan, berkeringat, jantung berdebar-debar, sesak nafas, keluhan kembung, pusing kepala, mulut kering, tung berdebar-debar, sesak nafas, keluhan kembung, pusing kepala, mulut kering, dsb).
Pathogenesis of Autonomic Complaints and Motor Tension
How to Diagnose Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Identitas pasien
Perlu diketahui :
Onset keluhan/gejala klinis. (kapan, pemicu)
Progresifitas dari keluhan tersebut.
Keluhan tambahan lainnya (yang menyertai keluhan utama).
Riwayat penyakit sebelumnya (sakit seperti ini sebelumnya atau menderita sakit lainnya).
Riwayat Penyakit Keluarga. (tambahan : bagaimana hubungan dengan keluarga, sikap keluarga terhadap penyakit pasien)
Riwayat Pengobatan? (berobat ke dokter spesialis, ke dukun, atau orang pintar)
Riwayat Penggunaan narkoba? (Misal alkohol, heroin, ganja, dll)
Hendaya Pekerjaan? (Apakah selama pasien mengalami penyakit ini aktifitas sehari-hari pasien terganggu seperti pekerjaan, kegiatan rumah tangga, dll)
Anamnesis gejala ansietas
Riwayat penggunaan narkoba.
Memiliki penyakit hipertiroid.
Mengeluhkan perasaan jantung berdebar, perasaan sesak nafas, seperti tercekik, perasaan nyeri tekuk/leher, perasaan nyeri lambung.
Tidur pasien terganggu.
Takut menjadi gila.
Merasa lebih sering khawatir tentang segala hal.
Takut mati yang berlebihan.
Lebih mudah terkejut.
Sering lupa meletakkan barang atau mengingat hal yang baru terjadi.
Sering mengeluhkan tangan sering berkeringat.
Sering mengeluhkan sakit kepala.
Mengeluhkan perasaan mulut kering.
Pemeriksaan fisik umum
Tanda vital
Head to Toe
Pemeriksaan fisik psikiatri
Deskripsi umum
Aktivitas motorik
Mood dan afek
Pengendalian impuls
Daya ingat
Pengetahuan umum
Pengetahuan abstrak
Pemeriksaan penunjang
Bertujuan menyingkirkan keadaan organik. Dapat berupa EEG, Pemeriksaan kadar elektrolit serum, pencitraan otak, darah rutin dan lain sebagainya
Management of Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Complications and Prognosis of Generalized Anxiety Disorder
The prognosis for patients with generalized anxiety disorder is guarded. Many patients are not compliant with medications because of cost and adverse effects. Relapses are common, and patients often search for physicians who comply with their needs. Because of the lack of conventional medicine to cure the disorder, many opt for alternative therapies without much success. Overall, the quality of life of these patients is poor.
Depression (often presents concomitantly with an anxiety disorder)
Drug or alcohol misuse
GI problems
Social isolation
Issues functioning at work/school
Impaired quality of life
Suicide potential
Education (accompanied by Islamic views) and Comprehensive Anxiety Disorder Prevention
Patients with anxiety disorders need to understand the importance of medication compliance (anxiolytics, anti-depressants, sleep inducers), working with any cognitive therapy prescribed, and the benefit of stopping the use of caffeine or other stimulants.