First Phase: 2 groups of workers were selected that carried out the same operation, under identical conditions.
Second Phase (1927): 6 young people of medium level are selected, neither novices, nor experts.
The Experimental Group had a common supervisor, like the control group, but also had an observer who remained in the room, ordered the work and was in charge of maintaining the cooperative spirit of the young women.
First Period: The production of each worker in their original service area was recorded, without their knowing it, and their productive capacity was established under normal working conditions.
Second Period: The experimental group was isolated in the test room, normal conditions and working hours were maintained, and the production rate was measured.
Third Period: The Payment System was modified.
Fourth Period: Marks the beginning of the direct change at work.
Fifth Period: Rest intervals were increased.
Sixth Period: 3 breaks were given.
Seventh Period: It returned to the previous intervals.
Eighth Period: Same conditions as the previous period.
Ninth Period: Experimental day ended at 4:00 p.m.
Tenth Period: They return to work until 5:00 p.m.
Eleventh Period: A 5-day week is established, free on Saturdays.
Twelfth Period: The conditions of the Third Period are returned.
Informal Organization Manifestations:
- Production controlled by standards.
- Non-formalized practices.
- Expressions of Dissatisfaction.
- Informal Leadership.
- Dissatisfaction and exaggerated satisfaction samples.
- The Production Level depends on social integration.
- The rewards and social sanctions.
- Informal Groups
- Human relations
- The emphasis on emotional aspects.
- Industrial civilization and man.