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learn algorithm and data structures, why study data structure and…
learn algorithm and data structures
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From 0 to 1: Data Structures & Algorithms in Java
Big-O notation and complexity
Graphs and Graph Algorithms
Linked lists
for cs and ee grads
Master the Coding Interview: Data Structures + Algorithms
I will teach you data structure and algorithm to get hired in tech
I am offering teaching in the following Areas:
Time complexity
Hash Table / Dictionary
Linked List
Binary Search
Sorting Algorithms
Two Pointers
Tree Traversals
Bit Manipulation
Dynamic Programming
Greedy Algorithm
Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Facebook, Apple, etc.
DS and Algo skills can be improved only by repetitive practice
Data Structures and Algorithms are best learnt visually
Google, Microsoft and Flipkart
Understand Depth vs. Breadth
“Breadth-Only” approach won't work
depth learning
When you analyze a problem in depth, it means:
You can code it quickly
You can code it with correct syntax, which means you are good at the language
You can write clean code in one go, because it’s second nature to you
You can apply the same code to a new problem quickly
You know the data structure you are using and can implement it if asked to
To achieve this, you need to focus on a few representative problems (around 100 works well.) Solve them a few times and you’ll start seeing patterns. You also start getting better at the coding part.
Identify a list of ~100 core problems. Many sites give you 100 curated problems.
Here’s another way:
Get these two books:
Elements of Programming Interviews
Cracking the Coding Interview.
Collectively, they give you a good variety of hand-picked problems. If you want a structured course for this, check out
For example:
Interviewer: “So you initialized an array-backed list. Good. Now let’s say you reach its capacity, what happens when you try to add another element?”
“What do you mean capacity? I can keep adding elements to this list.”
In this case, the candidate had been using Python, and there’s no concept of list capacity. You just keep adding elements. But that’s not what happens under the hood. You need to know what data structures back a list, and how that works.
Here’s another example:
Let’s say you’re asked to Implement a Queue using just Stacks (a popular question). This is a modified data structure. If you haven’t implemented either of those before, you’ll have trouble getting started.
Now, this doesn’t mean you need to know every implementation’s code. Some data structures are pretty hard to implement – for example, deleting a node from a Binary Search Tree is not trivial to code. But you should know how it works.
Here is a list of data structures to master:
Arrays and Lists
2D Arrays
Linked List
Hash Table & Hash Set
Binary Tree
Binary Search Tree
spaced repetition
“I solve many questions but can’t solve them a week later! How do I remember solutions?”
The key is to not remember solutions. The key is to practice them. When you see a problem, you should immediately be able to break it down and re-create the solution. This is different from rote learning. You’re recognizing different components, breaking them down and solving the problem.
3 days
a week
a month
It will become second nature to you.
Step 5: Isolate techniques that are reused. Isolate actual code blocks.
This is where the Depth-First approach gets exciting. As you solve these problems, you’ll start to notice patterns.
Let’s say you solved 5 problems that used Binary Search. You can isolate the Binary Search code and practice it over and over. You know it will be used in similar problems.
And this is one of many techniques you can isolate. Here are some other common ones:
Depth First Search
Recursion + Memoization
Hash Table + Linked List combination
Searching a Binary Tree etc.
Now, you have a collection of techniques you can apply to new problems.
Step 6: Now, it’s time for Breadth.
Let’s say you’ve mastered your core problems. Using common data structures is second nature to you. You can now look beyond your core set. Because you’ve implemented so many techniques already, you don’t even have to code all the new questions.
During this time, try to solve realistic interview problems. Once you get good, there’s a tendency to focus on really hard problems. The thought process is – “if I can solve these really hard problems, then interview problems will be a piece of cake!”. That’s not usually the case. Techniques in really hard problems often have nothing to do with interview-level problems.
Step 7: Practice on paper
We recommend practicing on paper at some point in your prep. When you code without an IDE and Stack Overflow, it takes you away from your comfort zone.
Here are some benefits of practicing on paper:
You’re forced to plan your code before writing. You can’t just go back and retype.
You will start learning correct language syntax and data structure usage. With an IDE, code used to write itself.
You can take a paper and pen anywhere with you to practice.
And more importantly, it is a realistic simulation of a whiteboard interview.
why study data structure and algorithm
What are algorithms and data structures, and why should I study them?
Every program depends on algorithms and data structures, but few programs depend on the invention of brand new ones
an algorithm is a self-contained step-by-step set of operations to be performed. Algorithms perform the calculation, data processing, and/or automated reasoning tasks.
From monitoring stock markets to oil crises to determining crop yield to pairing soul mates, algorithms are omnipresent.
An algorithm is a detailed step-by-step instruction set or formula for solving a problem or completing a task.
Repetition, sequencing and conditional logic or decision are computational concepts that manifest in your everyday life.
What is Data Structure and why study it?
an orderly arrangement of data
binary trees or associative arrays
shopping list.
abstract data type (ADT)
Objects plus Operations
define fields in a record or class and the routines or methods.
Java source code should be accessible only to those who implement the classes
other programmers can’t tamper with the software.
binary relationships can link objects
linear (arrays, stacks, linked lists, or queues)
nonlinear (trees, graphs, tables, or sets)
Bad programmers worry about the code. Good programmers worry about data structures and their relationships.”
you can learn to code by competitive programming