BRAINSTORM: These formulas are very interesting as they are results of a lot of scientific research into what makes us happy, so in that sense can be quite a viable/reliable source to look at what makes us truly happy
However, happiness is too complex for some vague formula which only takes into account 4 factors, and both formulas are quite similar in terms of what percentages they think make up happiness.
it is also quite interesting to see that Seligman thinks that 50% of our happiness is out of our control, so that only gives us 50% of things to work with to make us more happy.
^ this can be quite a depressing thought as perhaps if we already have poor happiness from genes, and also have not the right circumstances or situational relationships we want, what is there really to do to make us happy?
If we have or eventually come to the point where we dictate our happiness via a 'formula', then we will ever truly be happy if we have to ask some formula whether we are happy. Happiness should come from within and ourselves, dictated by ourselves and worked on by ourselves, not from a formula which may only be applicable to a small population. There are 7 billion + people on the planet, how on earth can this apply to every single one of our differentiated species.