Since the mid-1990s, we have witnessed significant changes from an economic point of view in three events: the emergence of information and communication technologies (ICT), globalization, and globalization.
The conjunction of these three factors has initially been reflected in the main economy of the world: the United States.
Its high growth rates, which have represented the longest expansionary period for this country in recent history, low inflation, employment growth and, above all, strong productivity growth, are clear reflections of this revolution.
- The greatest risks of the new ICTs are unwanted contacts, access to harmful content, security and harassment.
- The benefits offered by the new ICTs go hand in hand with new risks and, as a consequence of them, damage can occur.
ICTs impact in all areas of human life due to the characteristics that they contribute to the knowledge society, and due to all the possibilities that they offer to the development of new ways of organizing, communicating, educating, teaching and learning and with it the transformation and evolution of the same society.
All this allows us to say that, indeed, ICTs have modified the relations between economies, between workers and between companies.
First, and at the macroeconomic level, ICTs have affected the speed of convergence of European regions, contrasting with a speed of convergence of more than 5% in the 1990s.
Secondly, and already at the microeconomic level, ICTs are a tool for segmentation of the labor market. Thus, the determination of wages depends on the use of ICT both in the workplace and in the activity of the company where the worker carries out his activity. In the case of workers more linked to the use of ICT, they are rewarded for their greater use with higher wages than other workers.
Thirdly, the estimation of a business competitiveness index in the manufacturing industry has allowed us to affirm that companies that use ICTs more intensively are more competitive than those that do not. In this sense, ICTs are a useful tool that companies can use to gain competitiveness against other companies.