1) Laoratory training & T-Group

This theme will influence small group research, leadership styles and team building

Kurt Lewin is a founder of modern social psychology, and interested in groups

Founded National Training Laboratory or T-Groups that is a small unstructured format and facilitated to explore personal issues.

The T-Group's objective is to create interpersonal change that allows individuals to learn about their own and others' behavior when they get feedback from the observers.

Lewin also studied boys' reactions to different styles adopted by the group leaders in the boy's clubs. They found that leadership styles will affect the boy's behavior.

2) Action research, survey feedback & sociotechnical feedback

This theme will influence employee surveys, organ.dev.process, sociotechnical system theory 7 design

a) Action Research - the process of using the research finding to people and group to develop theoretical & practical knowledge and able to make changes.

b) Survey feedback☝🏻1st survey of 8k employees & managers should understand their attitude and opinions about the company and work environment.
☝🏻 2nd survey was administered 2 years later to follow up. Some groups may take action and some may not.
☝🏻-3rd survey was administered 2 years later. Findings: Among groups that took action based on the results, employees report positive changes in their work, supervisors, and work environment.

c)Sociotechnical Feedback - The technological system is not about information technology only, but it also includes skills, knowledge, procedures, and tools that the employees used to do their job. - The social system consists of the relationship between coworkers and supervisors, communication and information flow, values and attitudes, and motivation. These two will interact each other.

3) Management practices

This theme will influence participative mgt.

a) Douglas MacGregor - Consists of theory X and Y

b) Likert's 4 systems of work - System 1:Exploitative authoritative, System 2: Benevolent authoritative, System 3: Consultative, and System 4: Participative group.

c) Blake and Mouton’s Managerial Grid - Concern for Production and Concern for People. Rated on a scale of 1 (low) to 9 (high)

d) Herzberg’s “Motivation-Hygiene” Theory - Motivators: Achievement, recognition, quality work, learning. “Hygiene Factors”: Supervision, pay,
benefits, physical work environment

4) Quality and employee involvement

This theme will influence quality prog such as 6 sigma, TQM, & self-managed or employee directed teams

⭐Follows out of new set of management
practices. Employees involves more in the management & organization.

⭐As the quality have a strong impact, more attention needed in mgt styles as it will increase the worker's ability and motivation.

⭐Quality circles, ISO 9000, TQM, Sig Sigma, are important to OD practitioner as it involves personal & organ.cultural change.

5) Organizational Culture

✏Culture: “the shared attitudes, values, beliefs, and customs of members of a social unit or organization”

✏Organizations can improve productivity and profits by changing the culture, accomplished by changing cultural values.

✏Some organizational values that believe the organizations are not able to be competitive, could harm certain adaptive behaviors (such as environmental scanning to change and the drive toward transformative change).

✏Value change can be achieved by reinforcing new patterns, telling new stories, using different patterns of language and communication, and applying different decision-making styles.

6) Change Management, Strategic Change, and Reengineering

✏This theme will influence culture work, in mergers and acquisitions

This theme will influence currently practiced, system theory, large-scale, & whole-organ.interventions

🖊OD practitioners are beginning to link their work to larger organizational goals, with a solid foundation in theory and research in organizational change

🖊 Practitioners alike note that the best organizational strategy will not make much difference unless it is implemented effectively. The ability to implement change effectively becomes the difference between a successful and mediocre organization.

🖊The change management movement encourages practitioners to address the vision, mission, goals, and strategies of the organization

🖊 Organizational leaders realize that the right strategy is meaningless unless communicated, understood, and adopted by organizational members.

8) Organizational Effectiveness & Employee Engagement

7) Organizational Learning

This theme will influence currently practiced and appreciative inquiry

Learning could occur more quickly if individuals in organizations
were to build capacity in the following five areas:
✅ Systems thinking - The ability to see the organization as a system.
✅ Personal mastery - Choice to engage and commit to vision, purpose, and personal development
✅ Mental models - Learn to recognize the unstructured ideas and ideologies that encompass our worldview and our interpretations
✅ Building shared vision. - The ability and responsibility of leadership to gather members of an organization around a vision that drives action
✅ Team learning - Ability to engage in dialogue between team members so that teams can recognize patterns that hinder their productivity

This theme will influence currently practiced.

❗ In some practitioners, organizational effectiveness replaces organizational expansion as a preferred term, perhaps because of today’s persistent perception that OD is a “soft” practice unrelated to the organization’s business objectives.

❗ employee engagement is the second term widely used by OD managers and practitioners. The term "refers to individual involvement and satisfaction as well as work ethic"