The following can be detailed within this heading:
• Raw Material or Direct Materials: is what is part of the product, such as in a shoe, the sole that composes it, as well as the strap and the leather, as well as other materials that it carries internally and that are necessary for its elaboration. Indirect materials are those that do not constitute part of the product for its operation, such as bags and boxes that are used to give presentation to the packaging.
• Labor: it is divided into direct and indirect labor. Direct labor is that which performs physical work, also actively participates in the elaboration of the product, for example: bonding of bricks, drilling of material, assembly, etc. Indirect labor is made up of supervisors, guards, secretaries, administrative assistants, maintenance personnel, etc.
• Other manufacturing expenses: here you can include expenses such as cleaning supplies, office stationery, fuel and lubricants, spare parts and accessories, water and energy, rent, insurance, taxes, depreciation, maintenance, and others.