How To Identify and Help and Struggling Student by Sheneve Campbell
Does the child have difficulties paying attention or staying on task?
Does the child have trouble understanding mathematical sequences and identifying numbers?
Does the child have difficulty matching sounds with words?
Does the child have issues putting thoughts on paper?
The use of graphic organizers
Allowing the use of speech-to-text
The use of examples of other writing pieces
Play writing games
Positive reinforcement
Breaking up task into smaller chunks
Allow extra time to complete assignment (MacMeekin, 2017)
Use brain breaks between activities. This includes allowing the child to move around or play a quick game
Reading out loud with the child alone, not in front of classmates
Always simplify directions
The use of highlighting key words
Assistive technologies like Epic, where the app reads to the students
The use building blocks and puzzles (Singh, 2017)
Make a number train visible in the classroom
Use YouTube videos and music to help with sequencing memory and identifying numbers
The use of graphic organizers for the student to record ordered information