The Use of Computer Technology in EFL Classroom
Today, computer technology enjoys a noticeable presence in second and foreign language teaching and learning processes. This is because of infinite benefits this use has for teaching, learning and assessing second and foreign language like English.
Language skills such as:
Listening comprehension skill.
Speaking skill
Reading comprehension skill
Writing skill
EFL assessment and testing
Learner autonomy
Learner motivation
: The use of computer as a listening tool is claimed to be one of the more important learning tools for enhancing EFL students’ listening skill
EFL learners can use computer, tablets and Smartphones, connecting with internet, to chat and talk with native speakers and practice and improve their language, in friendlier foreign language learning environment
Using computers, with the use of internet provides a variety of current and authentic reading materials compared to potentially dated reading material sourced from textbooks
The study by Cunningham (2000) concluded that his students found that his writing class was more productive when he used word processing software with his students. students indicated that using a word processor during the writing process helped them to concentrate on certain aspects of their writing, for example: grammar, vocabulary and the organization or structure of their text.
There are many useful websites which provide language learners with many online tests. English as a foreign language learners can visit them and assess their language ability and proficiency.
If used creatively and wisely with suitable activities, the use computer technology can help EFL learners in many ways and can be an effective tool to motivate EFL learners to seek and to fulfill their own learning needs by themselves
The use of computer technology, along with internet, helps in motivating EFL learners to learn through authentic, challenging tasks that are interdisciplinary in nature.
Advantages of the Use of Computer Technology in EFL Instruction
• The use of computer technology can make EFL learning easy and interesting.
• The use of computer technology offers many opportunities for language learners to learn the language by their own using internet.
• The use of computer technology, with internet, provides language learners many opportunities of practicing and using English.
• The use of computer technology also helps the learners to assess and test themselves and get feedback.
• The use of computer technology offers students the option of self-directed learning and to connect learning to valuable work skills and personal use.
• The use of computer technology in EFL teaching can motivate students because the learning environment is more enjoyable.
• The use of computer technology in EFL classroom can help students to understand the complex concepts more easily.
• The use of computer technology in EFL classroom can help students to learn at their own pace.
• The use of computer technology in EFL instruction can provide a multisensory learning environment.
• The use of computer technology in EFL instruction can help students to learn independently through self - discovery.
• The use of computer technology provides much needed exposure of target language in various forms for the EFL learners.
• The use of computer technology helps EFL teachers to promote a constructive class environment