Holocaust Vocabulary Mind Map by: Caroline B

Power : a trait an individual has to impact others and in a specific way

stereotype : an oversimplified idea of a group with similarities

Concentration camp : a camp where people were held and trapped in harsh conditions during the Holocaust

discrimination : making fun of people based on characteristics or appearances

conflict : a disagreement between two sources

a stereotype can lead to discrimination because stereotypes are typically used to separate looks and characteristics

in order to have conflict, those two sources would need to have some power to have a valid arguement for a conflict

Internment camp : prison camp for prisoners of war

both of these camps were used to hold people hostage throughout the Holocaust and to deprive people of their rights in some way through harmful conditions

genocide: an aim to destroy and kill one group of people


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Holocaust: a mass murdering that happened under the control of Adolf Hitler

The Holocaust was a genocide becuause it targeted Europen Jews during WW2.

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anti-semitism : hostile behavior towards Jews becaue of their belief

prejudice : an opinion about a person just because of a group they are a part of.

anti-semitism would be an example of prejudice because the people were hating on Jews because they were Jew

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