
Aims of the Product

Intended Outcome

To allow for people to learn more about famous buildings around the world with the help of 3D models, just with an application on their phone.

Success Criteria

People will see a 3D model of the building, which they can zoom in or out, or see from different perspectives by moving their mobile device around.

In addition to the 3D model, there will also be additional information about the building, such as when it was built, who planned it, its location, purpose, etc.

Information to be delivered

3D image alongside with information about the building.

Where it will be used

Users can use it anywhere as long as they have a mobile device with a camera and with internet connection.

Financial Plan

There is no financial plan, as the app will be made by me for free, and the app will be free to use by anyone.

Quality Plan

The app will be checked by me to make sure it's working as intended, and I will also be developing it, adding more information, more buildings and adding more functionalities.

Target audience

Anyone who is interested in architecture or general knowledge who wants to download the app and learn more about buildings around the world.

Nature of the product

It's a single user product.

Content and Resource plan

What's needed

The Metaverse Studio website to create the app.

The Sketchfab website to get the 3D models

How will it be created

The app will be made using Metaverse Studio. Sketchfab 3D models will be exported and used in the app.

Hardware and Software Requirements

A mobile device which has Play Store or App Store, to insall the Metaverse App.

The mobile device must have a camera and it must also have internet connection in order for the app to run.