That saviour of course is Christ Jesus. The picture I loved most is of Christ dying on the Cross for us. The story of God, the Lord of the Universe, dying for our sins to save us, to be a ransom for us and take our place as the slave of death, filled me with so much hope and happiness. To know that, even with all my problems and wretchedness, God still loves me? That was mind-shattering to me. I took an attitude which basically says "If God can love me then dammit, I can atleast try myself." That really kept me going. It actually made this depressive episode very bearable. I developed a deep sense of empathy(which I've now unfortunately lost). I remember I used to be able to cry for a strangers, solely on the stories they told on text and discussion forums.
Christ's grace and love was inspiring to me and I sought to emulate, just like Isabelle's kindness and charity. When issa's parents would abuse her(mostly verbally but sometimes even physically), I'd be there to help and be as understanding as possible. I'd try my best to be as kind as possible to strangers in the internet or new people in the friend group.
Couple this with my experiences with heartbreak, Here I learned the importance of Gratitude. During what I went through, I developed a "be grateful for everything because one-day you will lose it" attitude. This has been lost during the semi-suicidal phase and I've only recently picked it up again. This is an attitude I take very seriously, along with empathy.