Economic changes in the 18th century
The improvements of harvests
New agricultural techniques: for example, crop rotation and the improvement in agricultural machinery
New crops : for example, potatoes and corn
Increase of Craft production
Economic Reforms in Spain
The Triangular Trade
Craft Production growth due to the demand it had
In rural areas
Royal manufacturers
People made the products at their own homes and sell them to the merchants. It was called domestic system
They produced luxury goods used by the high classes, such as the nobility.
Craft production
Canals were made and uninhabited places were colonised
Royal factories were established for silk. porcelain and other luxury goods
Internal customs taxes were stopped. As Cadiz lost its monopoly, free trade was established with America
Improvement of Domestic trade
Monarch build new roads and improved the ones they already had
They built canals to connect river systems and modernised ports.
International trade grew