Educator's feedback on students' learning and in class behavior is given to students and students give feedback to educator on teaching methods, activities, if their group level is appropriate, etc. This is done via Seesaw app outside of class as homework. Students are instructed to keep their feedback, both given and received, as confidential information not to be shared with other students.
If and where possible, adjustments are made on the behalf of educator and student. For example, perhaps the educator prints out instructions for her student(s) who have reported difficulty in processing oral instructions. Perhaps the student has been asked to be more respectful and tactful when disagreeing with other students during group work and has perused material from the educator listing polite phrases in discourse.
:question:Educator must ask: Do I have a struggling student or a student who might possibly have special needs?
Yes, I have a student who seems to be struggling and/or might have a special learning need
Notify admin, SEN department, and caregivers of student of plan of action measures. Also give detailed information regarding any parental expectations: if the caregiver needs to support the student at home or not.
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No, I do not have any struggling or special needs students
Process of differentiated instruction in an Inquiry based curriculum followed by assessments, feedback, and adjustments begins again.
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