Enteric Diseases of Neonatal Swine 2

Coccidiosis (Cystoisospora suis)



Clinical signs



Sporulation in the environment takes 12 hours - sporulated oocytes are resistant to disinfection. Sporozoites penetrate enterocytes after 5 days. Cement floors are big risk factor, and worse in late summer.

Infects enterocytes of the jejunum and ileum. Mild-moderate villus atrophy -> diarrhea. Fibronecrotic membrane in severe cases.

Mild creamy diarrhea that can start at 5 days but most often at 1-3 weeks. High morbidity but low mortality, low weaning weights, long-haired pigs. Most litters affected, from all ages of sows. No response to antibiotics/vaccines.

Fecal float/smear for oocysts. Histo on SI (mild/mod villus atrophy, presence of coccidia in jejunum/ileum, +/- fibronecrotic membrane. Mucosal smear can also be done to visualize organisms.

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Toltrazuril (Baycox) PO once at 3-5 days of age. Paint floor to seal it. All in/all out. Change flooring to perforated, raised floors (NOT concrete).

Porcine Rotavirus



Clinical signs



7 antigenetically distinct groups. Group A most common in swine

Mild to moderate villus atrophy (milder than SECD).

Watery diarrhea, varying in severity. Usually affects pigs 1-6 weeks old (nursing & nursery). Low mortality usually.

Demonstrate virus in tissues (PCR/IHC). Sacrifice pig in very early stages. Or demonstrate virus in feces.

Hygiene, hygiene, hygiene! Very difficult to get rid of - must be excellent. Vaccinate sows prior to farrowing for lactogenic immunity.

Clostridium perfringens type C

Onset of C/S < 12 hours. Gram positive rod. Shed by sow, lives in environment, ingested by piglet. Attached to epithelium and Type C produces necrotizing beta toxin -> necrosis/desquamation. Necrosis/hemorrhage -> death. DX: bacteria on mucosal smears.

Type A

< 7 days. Creamy diarrhea, high morbidity, low weaning weights. **Antibiotics (ampicillin, penicillin, ceftiofur)

Type C

< 7 days. Bloody diarrhea. High morbidity & mortality. Antitoxin within 2 hours of birth - if they are sick it is too late.

SOWS: vaccinate +/- feed Bacitracin

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