Economic changes in the 18th century
Beggining of 18th century
European economies had the same characteristics
the reforms introduced by enlightened monarchs led to important changes in all sectors of the economy
as in the earlier phases of the Ancien Régime
harvests improved for a number of reasons
new agricultural techniques
new crops
Craft production increased
domestic system more important
Royal manufacturers
Economic reforms in Spain
The Spanish economy experienced growth
as a result of reforms introduced by Felipe V, Fernando VI and Carlos III
sociedades económicas de amigos del país
carrying out scientific, economic and technical studies, and then publishing the results
important reforms
craft production – royal manufacturers
trade- free tarde
The triangular trade
increased domestic trade by improving roads and building new ones
built canals to connect river systems and modernised ports
International trade
grew due to increased exchanges of goods
between Europe and the American colonies
Atlantic Ocean consolidated its position as the world's most important trading zone