SPD Outcomes Smithfield & Barbican Area of Change
overall/beyond CM
activities which support the City's aspiration to be understood as a place of
a vibrant visitor and cultural destination
a greener and healthier place
business, creativity and innovation
CM area as
experimental/pioneering, a palce where new ideas can be tried and those that are successful scaled across the City
national and international stature
CM principles
Creative Places and Wayfinding
night time economy
Culture and Commerce
public realm
we want arts embedded into architecture, into public realm spaces as standard
particular support for clustering creative enterprises in this area
providing high quality and appropriate facilities for cultural production
leases at affordable rates that are maintained [AS LONG AS POSSIBLE] in the mix of other types of office occupier
particular support for proposals that enable the mix of creative industries and cultural organisations with other business sectors on a day to day basis
public realm made culture ready
what quality looks like (developer side)
involvement of artists in the design process and output
involvement of artists/artist-led studios in design teams on developments as standard
root out other CEZ positions
support for proposals that expand the evening and night time offer in the area, especially along Long Lane and its tributaries
however care should be taken to protect residential amenities and quality of life, especially in terms of noise pollution, directions of access/egress from buildings
look at Sian's wish list of City asks
health and wellbeing linked
providing new, and preserving existing, cultural facilities
at an affordable rent
be accessible from street level independently from commercial operations / care given to consider access needs, identity and privacy
we advise consultation at the earliest stages in design development with experts in the relevant parts of the cultural sector (by artform etc); or a secured partnership through which a cultural organisation can contribute to scheme designs, to ensure designs contain the components necessary to make a new cultural facility successful and sustainable for the long term
meanwhile use
be specific about use: flexibility is good but recognise that different forms of cultural activity require different facilities and support e.g. sprung floors, high ceilings, natural light, acoustics, sightlines, specialist equipment, backstage areas
spaces should be fully DDA compliant and those that host public events should be easy to find, provide welcome, public conveniences, facilities for children and babies etc., and robust positions in terms of public safety, fire and evacuation; and where large groups of the public will be encouraged to gather, steps to ensure that such activity does not detract from the setting
for partnerships
we recognise that public funding for cultural nonprofits is precarious and therefore support partnerships in which a developer commits to enter a long term agreement within which a cultural partner will be subsidised for a period of time while they can establish a presence in the new site and develop an income generation strategy
we recommend developers considering partnerships with cultural organisations consider a number of candidates, establish a clear and thorough multi-year partnership agreement and get specialist support in this process if appropriate
a robust a long term sustainable business model should be identified
spaces should be outward facing and find ways to contribute to the day-to-day vibrancy of the area wherever possible, through showcasing what they contain, providing minimal barriers to access, mixing cultural activity with an associated food & beverage offer, etc.
where new cultural facilities are created, plans for how to 'sweat the asset' should be outlined, ensuring that plans are made for as full and intensive use of the facility as possible, such as through a cultural operator's business plan demonstrating how they would hire spaces when not in use by their own organisation; how artist/practitioners might share workspaces where appropriate; etc.
community, education
we support proposals for new cultural amenities in particular that will proactively offer meaningful opportunities for local and wider communities and educational groups to experience the facilities, with an emphasis on diversity, equity and inclusion, the development of skills through cultural engagement and relating the activity to the specific site in the City and its surrounding heritage
designs that contribute to effective wayfinding in the area for the public
and the Beech Street/Long Lane axis will be the focus for a variety of retail units.
particular support for F&B / diversifying and enhancing the quality of this offer in the area, at a variety of price points
support for 'cultural retail'
not a Principal Shopping Area (PSC) but is a part of the City that is prioritised for new retail floorspace outside of the PSCs
strategic night time economy area of national or international significance > look at GLA night time economy plan
to protect existing arts and cultural facilities where they are needed and where necessary require appropriate replacement.
Ancient and Modern
support for proposals which demonstrate creative connections to the area's significant heritage, including naming strategies, referencing of heritage, use or reuse of materials, space use/identity that creatively references the history of the site and/or the surrounding area
making imaginative connections between arts and culture and other areas e.g. social value, well-being
appreciation of the need to resource this work robustly, and in particular to pay artists and creative practitioners appropriately for their time
thorough place research and links to local assets and heritage
engagement of experienced cultural consultants as part of design teams, where this experience is lacking in-house
demonstration of business models for long-term sustainability (for partnerships, operated occupancy, et cetera) and/or legacy (for artworks, meanwhile term relationships)
vision, imagination, striking and unexpected
what quality looks like (CoL side)
public art position looks good in the local plan, do we need to specific particular areas of focus for this in the SM?
"enhanced experience and interpretation of the City’s....heritage assets" - should we explain more what we mean by this?
"encouraging a diverse leisure, retail, food and beverage offer"
particular focus on encouraging the provision of spaces and premises suitable for start-ups, digital and creative industries, and cultural organisations and artists
funding that supports the provision of art installations and activity in the public realm and addresses the requirements for advertising and event promotion
emphasis on commuted sums/endowments
CoL flagship projects?
do we need to look at what successful outcomes mean in terms of mitigation measures?
place where commerce and culture meet
digital infrastructure - do we have anything to say?
Culture Spine
Amplifying Partnerships
see space matching/partnership guidelines
LB Islington
collabs with/support for existing cultural organisations/venues and their programmes
within this, particular support for approaches that increase an understanding of under-represented or less visible histories and narratives in the City, and which support promotion of diversity of all kinds and which play with or challenge conventional readings of the City's history
look and feel principles and what they mean
encouragement of retail offers that can open into the evenings and support the area's night-time economy offer
Everyday Creativity
Creative Learning & Skills
if cultural facilities: well promoted, managed, stewarded etc
general heritage point?