Agricultural Exports in India

India’s agri-exports

Various initiatives

Export earnings will increase by focusing more on value-added processed food products

Value increased from $17.8bn to $20.65bn (2015-2020)

Primary processed commodities form the majority

focus is more on developing various processed foods

India’s total exports is 11%

Changes in agricultural export basket

Lean character and near organic nature

Recent spikes in non-basmati rice

Indian buffalo meat

Basmati rice is one of the top

Agriculture Export Policy in 2018: Doubling farmers income by 2022

CSS: Transport and Marketing Assistance for Specified Agriculture Products

Assistance to the exporters under Export Promotion Schemes

100% FDI is allowed

Establishment of APEDA (under the APEDA Act 1985)

Challenges associated with agri exports

Pro-consumer bias eg. imports going cheaper

International prices and quality concerns

Uncertainty in foreign trading regimes

Lack of comparative advantage

No study on complete export potential

Non-tariff measures by other countries

Low yield levels due to fragmented land holdings

Phytosanitary measures for dairy sector

Lack of a predictable and consistent agricultural policy

How to improve?

Re-invigorating agricultural research and education

Augmenting cargo handling facilities

Village level procurement centres

Create a Green channel clearance for perishable products

Infrastructure status to agricultural value chains

Establish regional production belts

Financial assistance

Way forward

Meeting global food quality standards

Reputed Indian brands should be encouraged

Ensuring low cost of production

Focus on cost competitiveness

Diversify and expand the export basket