Introdution To Network Chapter 1.3.2 Why protocols are necessary in network communication
Rules that Govern communications
Content layer
Rules layer
Physical layer
Protocol for successful human communicates are ✅
- Identification of send and receiver
- Agreed on medium or channel
- Appropriate communication mode such as written, spoken and illustration
- Common language
- Grammar and sentence structure
- delivery speeds and timing
Network Protocols
The role of protocols
- How the messages is formatted or structured
- The process by which networking device shares information pathway with other networks
- How and when error system messages are passed between devices
- The setup or termination of data transfer sessions
Protocol Interaction
- IP
- Host
Protocols suites and Industry standard
- protocol suites is a set of protocols work together to provides comprehensive network communication services.
Developement of TCP/IP
Communication process
- data user prepare the Hypertext Markup Language(HTML) page.
- TCP transport layer break the data into segments and identifies each
- IP sources and destination addresses are added, creating an IP Packet
-Ethernet information is added creating the Ethernet Frame or Data link Frame
Communication process
- Ethernet header is removed
- IP then IP header
- TCP then the transport layer header
- Data user http information is processed and sent to client's web browser
The Reference OSI Model
- Application
- Presentation
- Session
- Transport
- Network
- Data Link
- Physical
OSI Model
TCP/IP Model
- Shared a similar architecture
- Share a common application layer
- Both have a comparable transport and network layers
- knowledge of both model is required by networking professionals