
Relevant evidence is admissible

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Relevant evidence MAY be excluded if its probative value is substantially outweighed by the danger of unfair prejudice

Hearsay Evidence is presumptively excluded

Not Hearsay - statement by party offered against party

Not Hearsay: Prior inconsistent statement made under penalty of perjury

Not Hearsay: Prior consistent statement offered to rebut allegations of recent fabrication or to rehabilitate impeached witness

Hearsay Exceptions are admissible

Unavailable witnesses

Availability of witness irrelevant

Former testimony with opporunity for cross exam by party in this matter

statements against interest

Dying declarations

statements of personal/family history (birth, marriate, ,divorce, death relationship) by party with personal knowledge

statements offered against party procuring declarant's unavailability

excited utterances

Present Sense impression (sportscaster)

Present state of mind

Declarations of physical condition made for purpose of medical diagnosis or treatment

Businss Records

Recorded recollection

Official records

Ancient documents (<1998)

Documets affecting property interests

Learned treatises


Family records

Market reports

Exception: In criminal cases the use of hearsay evidence is inadmissible, as a violation of the confrontation clause if

accused had no opportunity to cross examine prior to trial

statement was testimonial

Statement is offered against the accused in a criminal case