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KUBERNETES - Coggle Diagram
config lies in $home/.kube/configConsists:
- target cluster name
- credentials (gcloud container clusters get-credentials [cluster] --zone [zone]
View it: kubectl config view
- kubectl version
- kubectl cluster-info
- kubectl config current-context (current context)
- kubectl config get-contexts
- kubectl config use-context
- kubectl create deployment kubernetes-bootcamp
- kubectl get
- kubectl get nodes
- kubectl get pods
- kubectl get service
- kubectl get service my-service --watch
- kubectl get deployment
- kubectl get rs (ReplicaSet)
- kubectl describe (kubectl decribe pods | nodes | deployments)
- kubectl logs [POD]
- kubectl logs [POD] -c [container]
- kubectl exec
- kubectl exec $POD_NAME -- env (launch ENV)
- kubectl exec -it $POD_NAME -- bash (launch BASH) - !!!interactive
- kubectl proxy
- kubectl label
- kubectl scale deployment/kubernetes-bootcamp --replicas=3
- kubectl autoscale deployment --min=3 --max=5 --cpu-percent=75
- kubectl rollout status deployments/kubernetes-bootcamp (confirm update status)
- kubectl rollout undo deployments/kubernetes-bootcamp
- kubectl top nodes (utilization)
- source <(kubectl completion bash)
Update deployment
- kubectl set image (update image)
- kubectl edit deployment [deployment_name]
Always runs:
- KUBELET (agent managed by control plane - Master via API). Manages PODs and containers in it.
- KubeProxy (maintains network connectivity among PODs in a cluster)
- ContainerD - a container runtime (like Docker)
- pulling the container image from a registry
- unpacking the container
- running the application
MASTER Components
- kube APIServer
- scheduler (schedules PODs on NODEs)
- ETCd (config database, cluster config)
- kube ControllerManager (monitor state of cluster and changes to the desired state)
- kube CloudManager (launches cloud provides features like loadbalancer)
A Pod is a Kubernetes abstraction that represents a group of one or more application containers (such as Docker), and some shared resources for those containers:
- Shared storage, as Volumes
- Networking, as a unique cluster IP address
- Information about how to run each container, such as the container image version or specific ports to use
- number of PODs i specifed in replica number
- Pending (scheduled), not created yet
- Running (POD is runnign, but containers might be starting)
- Succeded - all containers in POD started successfully
- Failed (container failed and won't start)
- Unknown - state uknown, no communication probably
- CrashLoopBackOff - POD isn't configured correctly
Deployment Controller: after submitting YAML file to control plane, deployment controller is created to covert desired state to reality and keeping this desired state (loop task)
Rolling Updates
- max unavailable (max unavailable PODs total old RS+newRS)
- max surge (max new PODs in newRS)
Controlling POD placement:
- (in POD manifest) NodeSelector:
DiskType: SSD
- in NODE manifest:
- Labels:
DiskType: SSD
Place PODs on desired Nodes/NodePool
Controller Object Types
- ensures that a population of Pods, all identical to one another, are running at the same time.
- drive the cluster back to desired state via creation of new Pods
Deployment instructs Kubernetes how to create and update instances of your application. Deployment creates Pods with containers inside them
- a set of PODs
- continously monitored by kube deployment controller to check current state vs desired dtate
- creates ReplicaSets
- lets you create, update, roll back, and scale Pods, using ReplicaSets
YAML file
- kind: type - deployment or service
- matedata: specifies name
- spec: define desired state (ie replicas)
- kubectl rollout undo deployment
- kubectl rollout undo deployment --to-revision=2
- kubectl rollout history deployment --revision=2
- kubectl rollout pause | resume | status
- to deploy apps that maintain local state
- have unique persistent identities with stable network identity and
persistent disk storage
- almost the same like Deployments but with stable states
it's like Deployment, except that the Pods are given unique identifiers:
- ordinal index (unique number, sequential names)
- stable hostname
- stably identified storage
- to run certain Pods on all the nodes within the cluster or on a selection of nodes
- A Kubernetes cluster might use a DaemonSet to ensure that a logging agent like fluentd is running on all nodes in the cluster
- Job controller creates one or more Pods required to run a task.
- When the task is completed,
JobController will then terminate all those Pods
- If job fails, JobController reschedules job on another node until job is completed
- schduled jobs in unix time format
Cloud Build
gcloud builds submit --tag${GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT}/quickstart-image .
gcloud builds submit --config cloudbuild.yaml .
Resource quotas (CPU/MEM)
- Requests - min reserverd for container (if not available, schedule on different node)
- Limits - max resources container can use
- object needs to have unique name within namespace
- let you implement resource quotas across your cluster.
Default namespaces in system
- Default
- Kube-system (ConfigMap, Controller, Secrets, Deployments)
- Kube-Public
- move and convert workloads into containers
- VMs into containers
- 1) Create processing cluster
- 2) Install Migrate for Anthos components onto cluster
- 3) Add migration source (VMware, AZWS, Azure, GCP)
- 4) Generate a migration object with a plan in YAML
- 5) Generate artifats (application images and YAML files for the deployment)
- 6) Test images and deployment
- 7) Deploy to production
4 - Migration plan
migctl migration create test-migration --source my-ce-src --vm-id my-id --intent Image
5 - Generate artifacts
migctl migration generate-artifacts my-migration
- docker file, YAML file => in cloud storage
- image => in Container Registry
migctl migration get-artifacts test-migration
Prevent the scheduler from running a Pod on the selected nodes:
kubectl taint node -l temp=true nodetype=preemptible:NoExecuteTo allow application Pods to execute on these tainted nodes, you must add a tolerations key to the deployment configuration
- key: "nodetype"
operator: Equal
value: "preemptible"
IP Addressing
- SERVICES alias range /20 (~4k IPs)
- PODs alias range /14 (~250k IPs) (/24 per NODE)
- KubeDNS watches KubeAPI for new services
- when discovered, A record and SRV records are created
Example: LAB service in DEMO namespace:
FQDN: lab.demo.svc.cluster.localFor named ports (HTTP+TCP) SRV record is created: FQDN: _http._tcp.lab.demo.svc.cluster.local value: 80
- are attached to PODs (not containers)
- temporary
- allows containers within POD read and write to it
- created when POD is assigned to a NODE
- removed when PODs is removed/deleted
- from NODEs local disks or memorybacked FS
- application config data, parameters
- for sensitive informations like passwords, tokens, keys, SSH files - encrypted
- in memory FS (violate)
- Generic
- TLS (public/private keys .PEM)
- credentials to Docker Registry for Kubelet
- publish PODs environment data to containers
PERSISTENT VOLUMES (PV) - storage for K8 cluster
- independent of PODs lifecycle
- durable for cluster
- managed by K8
- use PersistentDisks
kind: PersistentVolume
1) Persistent Disk create
gcloud compute disks create --size=100GB --zone=us-central1-a demo-disk
2) Use it in manifest
pdName: demo-disk
fsType: ext4
Partition: 0
PersistentVolumeClaim (PVC) - storage for PODs - defines:
- Volume size
- Storage Class
- Access type
claim must match PV Class/accessModes/capacity