NWU Curriculum 2022 Pre-Module Task

What is curriculum

A body of knowledge-content and/or subjects. Education is about transmitting/delivering these to students in the most effective way.

A standards-based sequence of planned experiences where students practice and achieve proficiency in content and applied learning skills to increase to increase their employability.

A central guide used in teaching and learning which set the route on what is essential, to be facilitated and give access of rigorous academic experience.

subjects or themes that relate to a particular field of study

a systematic planned activity where academic content and lessons are packaged for a particular programme. It can be an undergraduate or post graduate programme

A standard-based blueprint for lecturers/educators providing what is valuable to teaching and learning.

A planned sequence of instruction, or to a view of the student's experiences in terms of the educator's or school's instructional goals

Collaboration between teachers and students. Teacher provides flexible learning experiences to develop critical thinking and discovery; involves scholarship of teaching

Curriculum development experience

Limited experience, has not been an area of

Curriculum design challenges

contributed to developing a new post graduate programme for nursing

No experience, but now required to design curricula

Changing curricula so that students develop much-needed soft skills in the field of data-analytics to ensure employability.

The inclusion and exclusion of material, political intentions, education theories and influence of stakeholders

How to decolonise the law curriculum

Curriculum design is time-consuming; would like to learn from more experienced academics

Set of tasks, such as assignments, tests and exams that students undertake to complete a module

A blueprint that outlines how teaching will happen, what will be taught and who will be taught... a central guide for all educators as to what is essential for teaching and learning, so that every student has access to rigorous academic

A multicultural society, classroom management and technology.

Difficulty understanding how to implement
content of module; curriculum needs improvement and
training in curriculum development would be helpful

Private and public HEIs, designed first and second year curricula in Business Management; now working as Educational Technologist

Developed study guide with existing outcomes and
assessment criteria

Involved in exploring why a particular curriculum was not working for students; found gaps; augmented face to face teaching and learning with blended approaches

Study guides development, assessments and moderations.

Novice, but was charged with adding relevant reading material to enhance study guide and to make the curriculum more interesting for students

7 years in private and public institutions; design of assignments, projects, case studies, tests and examinations; module development and internal and external moderation

No opportunities to design curricula

Would like to learn from senior academics, professors and curriculum specialists to enhance abilities and to contribute concretely to curriculum development

Aligning curriculum development with modern context trends and informations to ensure it is relevant.

Identifying relevant tools to enable student learning; how to design for students with disabilities, such as blind students

How to engage students; methods to facilitate student reflection

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How does one select relevant books/reading material to keep up to date with the changing educational environment and that appeals to students' needs? What informs methodologies and even the philosophies one ueses in higher education?

Intermediate experience - have restructured the
content of a module to meet new trends; school working on programme changes, new modules and content

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