Childhood Obesity in developed countries
The abundance of processed food and fast food joints in more developed countries
Promote exercising
Limiting screentime
Promote and make healthy food easier to obtain.
Lack of exercise
Overall, unhealthy food (those full of sugar and unspecified ingredients) is easier to acquire and is cheaper to purchase than healthy ones (vegetables, fruits, organic products)
Natural causes
The invention of computers and smartphones ( aka the advancements of technology )
Night workers often rely on fast food
Urbanisation reducing the amount of space in which to run around
Fast food reduction
Increased emphasis on the importance of education leading to children spending more time sitting at their desks doing homework
Unhealthy coping mechanism
More people can work from home, less physically demanding jobs.
Families should promote and keep a healthy diet while keeping an eye out for any unwanted snacks in reach of children
Private companies ought to decrease the overall profitability of junk food. Government should tax junk food.
Genes may change and adapt when exposed to different environments
Families that are genetically prone to obesity
Stress from school, personal life, etc.
Boredom (eat to break monotony/ mental stimulation)
Run physical events and movements regularly, such as marathons or cycling events.
The availability of vehicles so people walk less
Tendency for families to consume more food(i.e. meat) as they get richer
Open more restaurants focused around a heathy diet and menu ( vegetarian restaurant for example )
Increase the advertisements and coverage of healthy meals, diets and foods on media ( Television, Social Media, Billboards,...)
Governments should make space for healthy social amenities like parks, sports facilities, or swimming pools
Use apps to track and limit children’s screen time
Introduce discounts on healthy meals in restaurants, on healthy ingredients in supermarkets,...
Slower metabolism as the age increases
Establish rules (with prizes and punishments accordingly) in the household
Lead by example
Parents who are too busy could hire a cook instead of buying fast food
Do short exercises ever 1-2 hours for want of stretching and preventing vertebrae from aging
Provide psychological aid( dealing with causes for increased consumption of electronic devices)
Provide healthier means of entertainment