Something that we do in addition to our teaching as something that we integrate into it. It helps stave off staleness and routine.
CHARACTERISTIC OF ACTION RESEARCH.The individual teacher in his/her classroom carrying out investigation into teching and learning in very specific contexts with very specific groups of learners
WHY DO ACTION RESEARCH It can be used as a way of learning about our learners, teaching and effectiveness and as a way of monitoring and evaluating innovation.
According to Elliot:
Analyses the human actions ans social situations
Exploratory approach
What happens in the classroom in specific teaching contents.
Interprets differents classroom events from the point of view.
Uses of direct simple languages.
Kemmis and McTaggart (1988)
Classroom teachers rather by than outside research.
Aim: Change things.
Act: To implement the plan.
Plan of Action: Improve what happen and examine a problem.
Observe the effects of action in the context it which occurs.
Reflect on the effects.
Cohen and Manion offered eight stages:
Identification, evaluation and formulation.
draf proposal
Review of research literatura and comprable studies.
Restatement of the problem.
Selection of research.
Evaluating procedure
Projects implementation.
Data interpretation.
Real Problem
Real objective data is collected
Teacher reflections
A way of learning about our learners. We can reflect on and evaluate our teaching. Ways of doing this
Reflecting and analysing our teaching. Often has a specific ad imnediate outcome which can be directly related to practice in the teacher´s own context.
A way of monitoring and evaluating innovation. Can help teacher to incorporate principled change into their teaching. What is needed is to start evaluatinf before the innovation is introduced, and to make the evaluation indirect.
Evaluating research
Reability, refers to consistency of result obtained from research.
Validity seeks to stablish to what extebt the research really investigates what the research wanst it to.
Lack of vigorous attention to both reliability and validity, particularly external validity or replicability.
Universidad IEXPRO. (n.d.). Observation and research in the classroom context.
Observación e Investigación
Maestria en la enseñanza del Ingles
Action Research
Lizbeth Salgado Pérez
Karina Gpe. Díaz Pedroza