Vital signs : BP 173/112mmHg P 64/min R 20/min T 36.5 องศาเซลเซียส
Physical examination
- General Appearance : Thai male, 61 years old,tan skin, normal consciousness, appropriated orientation.
- Skin : Paie, No Cyanosis, no juandice, no lesion.
- Eye : Normal visual, normal eye movement, no conjunctiva pale, no icteric sclera.
- Ear : No hearing loss.
- Heart :S1 S2 normal, no murmur
- Lung : Clear, no adventitious sound
- Abdomen : not tenderness , no rebound, bowel sound 5-6/min.
- Extremities : Normal movement of upper and lower limb, No pitting edema, motor power grade 5 at all.
- Consciousness : Alert