It was formed 4.5 billion years ago

The Components of the Solar System are:

It's situated in the Milky Way in the Orion Star Cluster

The Sun which is a middle star

8 planets and the dwarf planet Pluto

The asteroid belt

The Kuiper Belt

And the Oort Cloud which is the limit of gravity in our Solar System

There are 8 planets divided in 2 categories



Terrestrial planets are:

Mercury which is the smallest planet in our solar system and the closest to the sun

Venus who has an atmosphere of carbon dioxide and has lava flows

Earth who is the only planet who can sustain life due to it's enviroment

Mars which have supported life 3.7 billion years ago and has a icy surface

Jovian planets are divided in two categories :

Gas giants are Jupiter and Saturn which are the biggest planets in the Solar System and are made of helium,hydrogen and ammonia

Ice planets which are Neptune and Uranus

Uranus spins on the other way

Neptune it's the coldest planet in the Solar System