Chapter 4:

Basic Model Of Communication ⭐ ⭐

Shannon And Weaver (1949) model: two-way communication

Include 2 parties: senders and receivers

Messages is transmitted via channels (waves, satellite, face-to-face,...)

One-way communication (books, plans,...) could also be useful

Can be time-consuming and not conveys enough information

Verbal and non-verbal communication 👥 👥

Verbal communication

Communication that use words - either written or spoken

Non-verbal communication

Communication that use body language including eye contact, facial expressions, gestures,...

Communication and it's use in persuasion

Communication purpose

Relay / receive request or instruction

Explain something

Convey feelings to others / appreciate another's feeling

To persuade or be persuaded

Coordinate activities with others

Collaborate with others

Build a relationship

Using logic to persuade

Rational arguments are forefront of any decision-making

Present information in a logical manner

Using emotions to persuade

People are also persuade by their individual and group emotions

In some case, emotions overrule logic

Using an ethical approach to persuade

Barriers to communication

Physical barriers

Language and semantic barriers

Strong regional accents and local phrases can cause confusion

Message ambiguity

Fail to listen to the message

The message is ambiguity

Feelings and emotions

Liking, disliking, prejudice

It's hard to listen to someone you dislike

Interest, enthusiasm

Missing important information if you "tune out" (loss interest)


Other emotions: happiness, sadness, anger

The impact of culture

Cultural differences can be a source of confusion

We need to appreciate cultural


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Lack of human nuances of face-to-face

Ohter barriers

Differing levels of knowledge


Jumping to conclusion

Differing values and perceptions



Things that reduces/distort the message

Email Skill


The electronic form of communication in the workplace


Lack of visuals and audio cues

Ongoing series of sending and receiving messages


Escalation of conflicts


Emails is essential and useful

Used for factual information

Keep message focused

Reply to email promptly

Not rely on email

Not use emails for for tricky personal or emotional messages

Be aware of their negative characteristics