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Destiny Quinteros Skeletal System P.2 - Coggle Diagram
Destiny Quinteros Skeletal System P.2
Bone Fracture Repair
Blood vessels dilate and blood clots form; osteoblast periostem invade hematoma
Osteoblast divide rapidly in region close to blood vessels building spongy bone
Granulation Tissue: develops farther from blood vessels: fibroblast produce fribrocartilage
Phagocytic: remove blood clots & other dead cells
Osteoclasts: reobsorb bone fragments "clean up" debris
Fibrocartilage closes gaps
Cartilaginous Soft Calius; replaced by bone tissue breaks down then blood vessels + osteoblasts invade area: Hard Bony Callus fills space
*Once bone is broken in one place one it is healed it will become much stronger than any other bone
Skeletal Bones
Cranial Bones
1 Frontal Bone (forehead)
2 Parietal Bone (middle part of head)
1 Occipital Bone (lower back of head)
2 Temporal Bone (anterior side of head)
1Sphenoid Bone ( side of skill & part of orbits)
1 Ethmoid Bone (front of sphenoid bone)
Facial Bones
2 Maxillae (upper jaw)
2 Zygomatic (cheek bones)
2 Palatine ("L"shaped bones behind maxillae)
2 Inferior Nasal Concha (upper portion of nasal bone)
1 Mandible (lower jaw)
2 Lacrimal (medial walls of orbits)
2 Nasal (bridge of nose)
1 Vomer (nasal septum)
Vertebrae Column
7 Cervical Vertebra
(C1) Atlas: supports head
(C2) Axis: tooth like dens pivots within atlas
anterior part of spine
12 Thoracic Vertebra (middle part of spine)
5 Lumbar Vertebra (lower part of spine)
Sacrum 1 ( triangular structure of vertebral column)
1 Coccyx (tail bone)
Axial Skeleton
1 Hyoid (supports tongue & helps with swallowing)
Thoracic Cage
24 Ribs
first 7 True Pairs
Middle 5 False Ribs
Lower two pairs Floating Ribs
1 Sternum( middle bone between ribs)
Appiendicular Skeleton
Pectoral Girdle
2 Scapula (shoulder blades)
2 Clavicle (collarbones)
Upper Limbs
2 Humerus (upper arm)
2 Radius (thumb side bone/lateral forearm) *circle end
2 Ulna ( pinky side/ medial forearm) * "U"end
16 Carpals (wrist)
10 Metacarpals (hand palms)
28 Phalanges (fingers)
Pelvic Girdle
2 Coxal Bones (hip bones)
2 Illium bone (middle of coxal bone)
1 Pubic bone (Lower part of Sacrum)
Lower Limbs
2 Femur (thigh)
2 Tibia (shine bone/big toe side)
2 Fibula (lateral lower leg bone/ pinky toe side)
2 Patella (knee cap)
14 Tarsals (ankle)
10 Metatarsals (sole of foot)
28 Phalanges (toes)
Types of Bones
almost equal in length & width
Ex. bones of wrist & ankle
varied shape
Ex. vertebrate, some facial bones
long with expanded ends
Ex. arms & leg bones
plate like shape with broad surface
Ex. ribs, scapula, & flattened skull bones
Sesamoid (round)
small nodular bones that develop within a tendon
special type of short bone
Ex. patella
Long Bone Anatomy
Long bone: long with expended ends
Ex. arm & leg bones
Proximal Epiphyses: expanded ends of long bones; form joints with adjacent bones
Articular Cartilage (hyaline cartiage): covers epiphyses
Diaphysis: shaft of the bone (middle part)
Periosteum: tough layer of dense connective tissue, overs bne, continuous with ligaments & tendons
Medullary Cavity: hollow chamber in diaphysis
Endosteum: medullary cavity, lined with a line layer of cells
Bone cavity: special type of connective tissue with in medullary cavity
Bony Processes (projections): provides attachment sites for tendons & ligaments, openings or groves for blood vessels & nerves & depressions for articulations ( forming a joint with another bone.
Compact bone: very tightly packed tissue; makes up wall of diaphisis
Epiphyses plate: filled with spongy (cancelleous) bone; reduces weight of skeleton
Trabeculae: bunch of branchy bony plates found in spongy bone
Spongy bone: made of osteocytes & extracellular matrix that lie within trabeculae
Microscopic Structure
Osteocytes: bone cells; within chambers called lacunae
Pass nutrients & gases through matrix, tiny canals called canalicli
Extracellular matrix
Consists: mainly collegen & inorganic salts
Collegen provides strength + resilience
Inorganic salts: calcium phosphate; provides hardness & resistance to crushing
Yellow bone Marrow
Stores fat
Occupies most cavities if bone in adults
Red bone Marrow
In spongy bone
Function: formation of red blood cellss, white blood cells & platelets
Color: O2 carrying pigment hemoglobin
Bone Remodeling
Connective Tissue Replacement
Intramembranous Bones (Flat Bones Only)
Developes: sheet like layers of undifferentiated connective tissue
Stem cells differentiate into octeoblasts (bone forming cells), grow in all directions covering making spongy bone
Endochondral Bones
Develops: hyaline cartilage models shaped like the future bones; cartilage is later replaced by bone tissue
Controlled by hormones that regulate blood calcium levels
Nutrition: vitamin D needed for calcium absorption
Hormonal Secretions
Growth hormone: stimulates division of cartilage cells of epiphyseal plate
Sex hormone: stimulates ossification of epiphyseal playes a role to end growth in height
Joints + Examples
Functional joints between bones
Allow for variety of body movements
Bind parts of body together
Allow for bone growth possible
Permit shape changes during child birth
Functional Classifications
Synarthrotic or Immovable
Amphiarthrotic or Slightly movable
Diarthrotic or Freely movable
Structural Classification
Fibrous: composed of dense connective tissue
Most are immovable
Ex. structures of skull
Few are slightly movable
Ex. Joint between distal tibia & fibula
Cartilaginous: composed of cartilage
Connected by either hyaline or fibrocartilage
Intervertebral discs between vertebrae help absorb shocks & are slightly movable
Ex. pubic symphysis & first rib with sternum
Synovial: having a complex structure
Allow free movement
Most Joints
Covered with hyaline cartilage
Consists an outer layer of dense connective tissue & inner layer called synovial membrane; secretes synovial fluid, which lubricates joints
Contains: shock absorbing pads of fibrocartilage called menisci
Some contain fluid filled sacs called bursae; aid movement of tendons a they slide over bone
Classified by: shape of parts, movement they allow
Movements allowed by Synovial Joints
Diarthrotic: allow free movment
Ball-and-Socket Joint (spheroidal)
Consists: bone with a globular or egg-shaped head articulating with a cup-shaped cavity of another bone
Movement: widest range of motion, movement in all planes (multiaxal)
Ex. shoulders & hip joints
Condylar Joint (ellipsoidal)
Consists: avoid condvle fitting into an elliptical cavity
Movement: back & forth, side to side; within two planes (biaxial) *NOT ROTATION
Ex. joints between metacarpals & phalanges
Plane Joint (gliding)
Consists: articulating surfaces are almost flat or slightly curved
Movement: sliding or twisting (nonaxial)
Ex. joints of wrists & ankles, + between vertebrae, sacroiliac joints
Hinge Joint
Consists: convex surface, bone fits into a concave surface of another
Movement: like hinge of door, 1 plane (uniaxial)
Ex. elbow & joints between phalanges
Pivot Joint (trochoid)
Consists: cylindrical surface rotates within a ring of bone & ligament
Movement: ONLY rotation around central axis (uniaxial)
Ex. joints between dens of axis & atlas
Saddle Joint (sellar)
Found: between bone that hve both concave & convex areas in their articulating surfaces; bones have complementary surfaces
Movement: variety of movements, mostly 2 planes (biaxial)
Ex. joints between trapezium (carpals) & metacarpals of thumbs
Differences between male and female skeleton
Pelvic Girdle
Hip bones: lighter, thinner, & less evidence of muscular attachements
Obturator: triangular
Acetabula: smaller
Pubic Arch: wider
Oburater: oval
Acetabula: larger
Pubic Arch: v-shaped
Pelvic Cavity
Pelvic cavity: wider in all diameters & shorter, roomier, & less fannel-shape
Distance between ischial spines & ischial tuberosite are greater
Pelvic Cavity: deeper & less room
Distance beteen ischial spine and ischial tuberosite are minor
Sacrum: wider
Sacral Curvalture: bent more sharply prosteriorly
Sacral Curvalture: bent more to anterior of body
Sacrum: narrow and longer
More movable
Less movable
Fracture: break in bone
Fracture exposed to outside is a compound fracture
Green-stick Fracture: incomplete, break occurs on convex surface of bend in bone
Fissured Fracture: incomplete, longitudinal break
Comminuted Fracture: complete, fragments of bone
Transversal Fracture: complete, break occurs at a right angle to axis of bone
Oblique Fracture: occurs at an angle other than a right angle to axis of bone
Spiral Fracture: caused by excessive twisting of bone