set of knowledge that deals with education as a typically social and specifically human phenomenon.

permanent and integral process of interaction through which there is individual and group learning, it is a formative process, prepares to assume knowledge and guides towards a critical and transformative vision

Pedagogy and Education Sciences.

They deal with all issues of development and education of each individual person so that he can develop an autonomous and responsible life in society and the community.

Main educational agents




not formal


Learning offered by an education or training center, with a structured nature (according to didactic objectives, duration or support) and concludes with a certification, this is intentional from the student's perspective.

it is obtained in activities of daily life such as work, family or leisure. It is not structured (in didactic objectives, duration or support) and does not lead to a certification, it can be intentional, (it is fortuitous or random).

learning that is not offered by an education or training center and does not lead to certification, has a structured nature (in didactic objectives, duration or support), this is intentional from the perspective of the student

Differences between them

formal education is that given in schools, colleges and training institutions

the non-formal is associated with community groups and organizations and civil society (being the one that at that time was considered to be able to make a special contribution to training in developing countries),

informal covers everything else (interaction with friends, family, and coworkers)

Similarities between them

Learning can take any form and take place at any time in life and consequently encompasses the notion of lifelong learning: the three types of learning - formal, non-formal and informal or incidental - are found thus in a reciprocal organic relationship that makes them complementary.

Modalities and strategies.

set of differentiated and specialized options in which an educational level can be organized in order to meet the training needs of specialized human resources.

Evolution of the school system

Fundamentals of the School System

Panamanian School system

emerged in the second half of the nineteenth century in various countries of Europe and the United States of America, the principle was affirmed that public instruction was the responsibility of the State and not of the churches. In 1870 the Forster Act was passed in England, creating a state system of schools, sponsored by churches and school boards. In 1880, France enacted laws on secular education and compulsory attendance for children between the ages of 6 and 13. 1830 and 1860, the United States of America built schools and allocated economic resources to promote education, laws of free and compulsory education were established

purposes, organization and structure to develop the curriculum that designs, covers not only the school but all social media that influence education.

Promotion of the democratization of educational services.

Priority attention to improving the quality of education.

Search for modern, decentralized and efficient planning and management.

Expanding family and community participation in education.

Latin American countries

European Union (UE)

Primary and Secondary Education.

It is an essential factor, a primary objective to alleviate poverty. In Latin American countries, adults lack basic learning tools to make informed decisions and participate in the development of societies, the task posed by education is a moral imperative, a necessity for development, requires efforts to extend education and improve its quality by offering young people and adults learning opportunities and fostering environments conducive to literacy.

promotes the integration of information and communication technologies (ICT) in education and training systems in the EU. The most important line is the eTwinning initiative, which makes an internet portal available to schools with tools and support to facilitate twinning projects between schools in different countries.

Contemporary Educational Theories





education was made by natural development, according to the knowledge of psychology, contributed to the deepening and popularization of the expression intuitive teaching.

He believed in the original purity of children and in the deformations that social life produced. It manifested itself in teaching through memorization. However, it recommended practices for the maturation of children's character through very severe physical exercises.

united understanding of the educational role of entertainment. Neither of them sees education as a task that can be done "from the outside in." consider the student as an active being, subject to a continuous process of development. his ideas contributed to awakening new and serious problems in the field of education.

father of Psychology, I formulate the theory of learning, called "Theory of Appreciation",


Dewey Scientism.

in principle, it is usually the opposite of popular taste. It proceeds to imitate science, following the empirical method, based on trial and error, in its incessant search for new forms of expression.

Life is first and foremost "action", and thought "the instrument used by men to overcome the practical problems of life." Dewey believed in the transformative force of science for society.

New School: principles and methodological contributions


His method is empirical and experimental, based on reality. The main objective is to develop the possibilities of children in a pleasant and motivating structured environment.


The principles and the base methodology are found in the educational movement called École Nouvelle.


Ferrer Guardia


Belief in the natural goodness of the child and in his aptitude to discern good and evil without adult intervention,

The Modern school focuses on training men capable of constantly evolving, capable of renewing social media and renewing themselves personally. It aims at the liberation of the individual from himself and from society.

Its pedagogy is based on the fact that it is: renovating, active, natural, pedological, anti-capitalist, open, work-centered, cooperative and methodological.

Theories of Unschooling: Illich, Reimer.

Marxist theories: Makarenko

Personalistic Theories: Freire, Milani, Ga Hoz.

Theories of Postmodernity

Current theories: Pedagogía Waldorf