Sorting materials into groups


Lustrous - Materials that shine

Non- lustrous - Materials that do not shine

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Hard - cannot be compressed

Soft - can be compressed


Rough - uneven surface

smooth - even surface

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Transparent - Materials that allow all light to pass through them

Translucent - Materials that allow some light to pass through them

Opaque - Materials that do not allow light to pass through them

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Soluble substances - they dissolve completely in water

Insoluble substances - They do not dissolve in water

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Float - less denser than water

Sink - more denser than water

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States of matter




Molecules are loosely packed, highly compressible, do not definite shape and volume

Molecules are very tightly packed, not compressible, have definite shape and volume

Molecules are not so tightly packed, compressible, do not have definite shape but a definite volume


Magnetic materials - They get attracted towards a magnet.
Iron, nickel and cobalt

Non- Magnetic materials - They do not get attracted towards a magnet

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Conductors of heat and electricity

Conductors - they allow heat or electricity to pass through them

Insulators - They do not allow heat and electricity to pass through them