ABDOMINAL PAIN adult/ non- traumatic

with one or more

pale, lethargic; fever or chills; diarrhea or constipation; urinary symptoms; vomiting, nausea, or anorexia


Provocation, Quality, Radiation, Severity, and Time (PQRST) assessment

Vital Signs

upper abdominal pain; exertional pain; known coronary artery disease or
risk factors

12 lead ECG

ST segment elevation or depression

alert the Physician or NP ASAP; Obtain a patient-specific order for further analgesic or antiemetic if required

without ST elevation

other new abnormalities (compare with previous ECG)

bundle branch block, flipped t waves,
atrial fibrillation

Laboratory Tests: CBC; electrolytes; creatinine; glucose

upper abdominal pain

ALT; ALP; GGT; bilirubin; lipase

dysuria, frequency, or urgency

Perform a Urine Dip / POCT

positive for blood, leukocytes, and/or nitrites
