What is the didactic dimension in school?
Didactic Dimension: This dimension refers to “the role of the teacher as an agent who, through the teaching processes, guides, directs, facilitates and guides the interaction of students with culturally organized collective knowledge so that they, the students, build his own knowledge ”.
What is the limit of Didactics?
The limits of Didactics derive from: - Amplitude and complexity of the people who participate in the teaching-learning process. - Of the continuous advance and the specialization of knowledge. - The challenge of multiculturalism in need of interculturality.
What are the didactic principles?
The didactic principles constitute the guiding guidelines in didactic planning and its development. They are the basis for selecting teaching aids, assigning tasks and evaluating learning. This principle consists in that all teaching of facts, principles, laws, etc.
Where are the didactic principles manifested?
They are the set of values, beliefs, norms that guide and regulate people's lives. These principles are manifested and become reality in our culture, in our way of being, thinking and conducting ourselves.
Innovative Dimension
It foresees the innovative capacity of the teaching staff and favors their flexibility and originality.
The right time to put it into practice is when the objectives are designed, since it is in the projection of learning that the students are truly offered possibilities for renewal.
The innovative methodology supposes promoting the interrogative attitude of the students towards the changing reality and providing them with tools that guide them towards innovative thinking rather than conservative thinking.
Flexible dimension
It allows the entry of new information, coming from society, culture and science, to generally update the contents of the curriculum in accordance with the scientific, cultural and educational events of the social context.
Critical dimension
It takes into account that a didactic project is an action open to the world and therefore must be subject to constant critical review.
Sociopolitical dimension
It engages with the surrounding reality in order to improve it.
Prospective dimension
Part of the fact that students must put into practice what they learn at a given time. Therefore, it is essential that you safely handle diverse concepts and that you know how to use the information and training you have in a society in constant change.
Guiding dimension
Considers guidance as a substantial part of education, since students need intellectual knowledge, but also orient their work in a way that makes the most of their possibilities for personal development through the learning that is offered to them.