Family Conflicts about nuclear family

Between siblings

Between parents

Between parents and children

How to prevent conflict in the family

How to resolve conflict in the family




Different thought

Different decision

Different opinion

Different atitude

Different thought: Wife thought that Earth is a sphere, but husband thought that Earth is flat

Different decision: Wife believe that buying a house is better, but husband thinks that paying for buisness is better.

Different opinion: Wife likes girl child, but husband likes boy child.

Different Atitude: Wife likes to have a clean and organize house, but husband doesn't like cleaning and getting thing organize.



Different decision



Purchases: Wife wanted to buy a new laptop, but husband thinks that it's not reasonable to buy a new laptop.

Food: Wife doesn't like spicy food, but husband likes spicy food.

Different opinion

Different wants

Different likes

Different wants: One of the siblings wanted different things.

Different decision: Having a different view on the decision making.

Different opinion: Having different opinions can create problems, when you think differently on things.

Different likes: Having different likes on things can create problems, when you don’t like that, but your siblings do like that things, it could cause conflicts.







Genders: Maybe the child is a transgender and the parents doesn’t like a transgender, it will cause a problem.

Hobbies: If the children like this hobby, but the parents aren’t supporting them, it would not be good.

Grades: If the children get a bad grade, the parents will be mad, and the children already tried their best for it. The children could get sad or mad too.

Decision: Maybe the parent wanted her/his children to study this in university, but the children wanted to study another major that the parents don't like, it could cause a bad conflict.


Adapt oneself


Awareness of emotion


Avoidance of violence

Good communication

Understand rules

Love and care

Adapt oneself: To understand other, you need to adapt yourself to get along with others.

Awareness of emotion: You must understand each other feeling

Accountability of behaviour: You must understand the behaviour you ahve and fix it.

Avoidance of violence: try not to harm anyone physically or emotionally.

Good communication: When you communicate you will understand their feeling and will makes everything relieve

Understand rules: We must have rules to make things clear and easier.

Love and care: When you love someone and wanted to take care them everything would be alright and we prevent conflict in family easily

Way to resolve


Talk when you are ready to talk

Discuss only the present problem

Express your feeling directly

Give other people a chance to explain their reasoning

Make sure that both sides understand each others point of view

The accused must try to understand a problematic issues or conflict

Be ready to compromise

Have a sincere goal to build a happy family

Express your feeling directly: when you express yourself people will slowly understand how you felt

Talk when you are ready to talk: when you know what to talk you don't need to waste their time to wait till you know what you wanted to talk

Discuss only the present problem: discussing the past will makes things worst and you don't know the future why do you want to discuss about the future when you don't know it.

Give other people a chance to explain their reasoning: giving them time to express what their reason were is a good thing for you to understand why they did that.

Make sure that both sides understand each others point of view: people must understand each other, if not they won't be able to talk the same thing another person is talking.

The accused must try to understand a problematic issues or conflict: don't try and throw away problem to other people, because they will hate you

Be ready to compromise: you must be ready to understand and find way out of the problem

Have a sincere goal to build a happy family: when you have goal you will have what you wanted to do.

All these are a way to fix family conflicts with full explanation. This mindmap will show you everything you needed to know to fix a family conflict and makes a good happy family.

By: Nine and Pancake 303