Rising Action: At the capitol, the tributes train and show off their skills to the sponsors. The sponsors underestimate Katniss, so she shoots an arrow at the apple that is in the pig's mouth. Afterwards, they get their scores, and Katniss ends up getting 11. The game starts when Katniss and the other tributes are taken to the arena, where the Cornucopia bloodbath takes place. The Cornucopia bloodbath is an event that takes place at the start of every Hunger Game since the games began, in which most of the tributes compete for precious weapons, food, water, and bags full of other valuable items that can be used during the games. The supplies are scattered all across the Cornucopia. At first, everybody thinks it’s a friendly event, but Peeta shakes his head at Katniss, warning her not to run towards the bow-and-arrow she had been eyeing. When the games begin, the tributes start killing each other for supplies. Katniss grabs the bag that is closest to her, and she runs into the wild. The supplies in Katniss’ bag included one thin black sleeping bag that reflects body heat, a pack of crackers, a pack of dried beef strips, a bottle of iodine, a box of wooden matches, a bit of coiled wire, night vision glasses, and an empty black water bottle. She runs by a creek and starts filling up her water bottle. She avoids a wildfire and gets chased by Cato and the others. Rue finds Katniss’ and warns her about the tracker jackers on her tree. Katniss drops the tracker jacker nest onto the careers, and gets stung by the deadly ants during the process. Katniss gets hallucinations, and Peeta reappears and screams for her to flee, protecting Katniss. Katniss falls unconscious and gets healed back to health by Rue.