We are in need of a suite of technological materials to bring our department up to the level of Earth Science departments at other community colleges. We need a high level computer that can run the proper software to plot large scale maps and topographical maps. Because our only classroom is not set up for digital use of maps and other materials in lab, we need to use USGS topographical maps in their paper state. These are no longer produced and they are subjected to a large amount of daily wear and tear, especially the classroom sets of topo maps we take into the field with the students. Not only do we need to print these out, we need a large scale laminator to protect the ones that we will utilize for daily student use. We also need this computer to have a number of different specialized programs, such as Adobe Photoshop, in order to create diagrams and figures for the faculty to use in their classes. A major goal of our department is to try to save our students money and one of the ways we accomplish this by providing them with labs created in house. Dodson and Bromm have recently created a physical geology lab (ES 1L) manual that we provide to the students for free, saving them from between $60 (selected chapters) and $200 (full version of AGI manual) for a purchased lab manual. Bromm, our department’s IA is very good with this technology and in creating diagrams and