Multilingualism and Translanguaging

It's a verb - someting ongoing.

Nation states determine named languages

The "languages" considered official by the government.

Using a multitude of linguistic features that originate from interaction with other cultural niche.

Languages coexist

Plurilingualism: Knowing more than one language - Individual performance

Languaging - Instead of Languages - language immerges in the interaction. As an individual interacts.

Something that happens in a process of communicating. It's action.

Intentionalities and outcomes

It's dynamic, moving, it's not stactic. When people are using their semiotic resources to construct or convey meaning.

It can only be identified in language, in action.

"Using language" - Language has an existence independent of the user.

Trans = it involves more than one type of language. There is a transit, moving along the linguistic resources.

There aren't borders between languages used by the individual.

Translanguaging vs Code-switching - There are borders for people outside the communicative event but it's a functional act to the people involved in the event.

You don't have to be aware of the process of translaguaging.

"It is a descriptive label that captures the fluid nature of language practices" - We need a label, a name, to describe what language practices are. They are plastic, dynamic in nature.

Bilingualism is not two monolingualism put together.

Translanguaging does not perceive bilingualism as one double-monolingual individual.

A fusion of languages

It's also a method to understand how bilinguals understand languages.

A strategy: for example - I have 22 ages (using portuguese structure - external point of view and English).

It's not a final product/outcome